Chapter 17- Ancestor

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(Authors note - Sorry for not uploading in such a long time hehe..was busy with school)

A smokey form of a tigers head appears behind me as Aradon keeps killing clones. I stop the illusion as a clone attempts to stab his head. He immediately looks at me and frowns then says 'let's take this up a notch'. He releases more power and I also hear thunder in the skies. He comes down oblivious to the danger above him. I teleport 1ft in front of him while the tiger head attacks from his right it's open jaw showing razer sharp teeth. I bring my fist forward which collides with his cane. The tigers head stops abruptly then explodes, I frown at that thinking it could have at least been a distraction. We both jump back 4ft then I decide to use more of my power. I release 0.001% of my full power and aura causes everything in a 100 metre radius to explode and get pushed away. I point at his chest and say 'lightning spear'. A spear 10ft long half a foot wide appears with a leaf spearhead appears and shoots towards him. He dodges it and charges me, when in range he raises his rod but gets stopped by an invisible barrier, I grin then he gets pushed back 200 metres, then I pull my right hand back and shout 'fluid laser'. A beam of energy comes out of my fist and goes as wide as the eye can see which destroys the ground and heads towards Aradon. He raises his hands and shouts 'celestial shield'. A shield surrounds him and gets assaulted by my energy wave, I hear cracking and teleport to his right side. Both my energy wave and his shield dissolve at the same time, but when they do I advance again shouting 'show me what you've got!!'. Then I follow up with elephants barrage. 'Elephants barrage: First step'. A straight wave of wind blows from my fist and pushes Aradon back 100metres and up 40metres. 'Second step!'. I do the second step slightly in front of him then the third behind him so he's hit in a Y formation. Then I hit him once again from below. I charge, then shout 'wrath of the tiger: mountain cave'. My fist connects with his stomach and then the vibrations destroy his internal organs as he folds inwards, at least that's what I thought. His figure turns to a stump of wood which gets splintered to nothing. He claps 100 metres away from me saying 'that would've killed me even at 100%'. I land lightly on the ground and stare at him. He grins 'using your thunder to destroy the opponents internal body, I bet you can also do that with the outside, what will you call it?'. 'Internal destruction is soft fist, external will be hard fist'. I reply. Aradon says 'the white robes you wear right now are those of your ancestor, he told me to give that to you, I also combined your ninja outfit with his, with some improvements'. He waves his hand and my ninja outfit appears, I grab it in midair and hold it, it has a purple aura and feels far stronger. My black pouch lies on it. I strap the familiar pouch to my waist and neatly tuck the outfit into it.
Aradon teleports us back home and says 'tomorrow you'll start going to school again, you'll keep going until I think its not necessary and one objective is to make a friend'. I sneer but keep silent then shake my head and walk upstairs as arguing is futile. I lay down on the bed and have a dreamless sleep.
The next day:
I wake up bath, brush and wear my robes. I walk downstairs and see Aradon who laughs darkly, then he says 'don't recklessly kill others alright..oh yea Mark opened an account for you, well accounts, he told me to only give you one bank card'. He hands me the card and I put it in my pouch.
He continues 'you'll be going to a martial institution, the lowest ranking at 10 the highest is 1, although there have never been any ones. As of current the highest is rank 6 which are extremely powerful, they have multiple techniques and skills. Be careful on your way there cause I've heard that there are bandits who kill and rob travelers'. I nod once thinking I was going to a normal school but was interested in the experiences the institution will give me. He adds in 'lastly you'll be participating in a tournament where...mutants such as ourselves fight to the death and the Victor claims a prize. Normally its animals of the zodiac.' Immediately after I see a popup in front of my face:

Warrior you have been permanently named {Warrior of the Snake} and can participate in a tournament where you will fight will others for a prize. Will you participate? 'I accept'.
Your abilities are as follows but not limited to:
Skin shedding: shedding your former skin which will negate all occurring status effects and fatal damage.
Poison creation: ability to secrete any type of known poison and create any antipoison. User is able to secrete the poison on any part of their body.
Increased healing factor, reflexes, strength, balance, speed and coordination.
Scale armor: skin will be covered in an invisible layer of tough scales which will provide the user with incredible defence.
'Hmm that's good, but if I have this what will others have? I'll need to be cautious'.
Aradon says 'I'd advise you to train more before going to the tournament'. I nod in response and see another popup in my face of a map showing my location and the route to my school. Aradon says 'its a high rank 7 institution you'll go to so you'll get decent care'.
I start walking, when im outside the house I crouch putting all my strength behind my legs. After 5 seconds I shoot forward with the exact end location and route inside my head. Not 5 minutes in I hear a woman's cry for help and I skid to a stop as I see her blocked and slowly walking backwards into an alley with 4 men in front of her. I walk towards them, she shouts 'Help me, please someone help!!'. I notice that people state from their windows and others pass by her without even glancing in her direction which causes me to sneer. One of the men spots me and says 'kid, we'll let you walk away now if you don't bother us.. However, if you do..' To illustrate his point he brings out a dagger. I state at him, too angry to be shocked. I slowly walk towards him sneering with my eyes, bloodshot and burning with rage. He advances aiming to cut my chest as he slashes, I grab his wrist and apply some force breaking his bones so he screams in agony and tries to retreat. I kick him hard in the stomach and a sickening squelch is heard, the other 3 hear this and turn around as I let the trash fall heavily to the ground. I hear Aradons voice in my head 'I forgot to give you this, after some modifications its ready, you won't be able to play games but at least you still have music'. Immediately after a dark rectangular object floats down and I catch it, I breathe in as I realise its my phone. Also plugged in are my earphones, I plug them into my ears and select a song [System of a down-Chop suey] I say to them with music running through my whole body 'I will kill you all'. I walk toward them with the dead rogues dagger in hand. I teleport jabbing the dagger into one rouges eye. He died before he hit the ground, I slash at the 3rd diagonally and he falls to the ground. The one that looks like the leader is left I think to myself. In a flash I flat palm his knees completely shattering the bones in his legs as he shrieks in agony. I straddle his chest and softly say to him in a dead voice 'you would have hurt her more than this, and you should take responsibility as the leader'. Then my fist enters his face along with a crunching sound, oh but he isnt dead yet, I decided I would make him suffer beforehand as I keep slugging him in the face. 3 minutes later the deed is done and his face is a mess of blood and gore. I stand slowly removing the ear buds as the woman, now sitting on the ground shocked says 'what...what the hell are you?'. Had this happened in the nearest future I'd had said 'something which you arent worthy of calling insect' but instead I reply 'not human'. Then I walk away, after exiting the alley I start running again [Hiroyuki sawano - god of ink]. After 3 hours of running I arrive in a field and decide to take a short rest. I feel killing intent immediately and a murderous aura. I carefully store my phone in my pouch and look around. I think 'not good, this person could kill me if they wanted to..I doubt I can even escape'. I see a woman clothed in black, I estimate in her age to be early twenties. A bead of sweat drips from my forehead as I ask 'will you let my live'. She replies 'your straight to the point.. I'll let you live..barely. But before that my name is Griselda'. I just stare at her and after a few seconds she sighs and says 'oh well'. I don't see her move, but I know that her knee is inside of my stomach and her power is causing my whole body to deteriorate and the world fades to black.
I wake up seeing the face of a woman and man. The woman I estimated was 18 and the man in his mid twenties. They both had light brown eyes and were good looking. The female brings her face to mine and says 'your body was near destroyed, your organs were ruptured, your spine brutally fractured and some of your brain tissue damaged. Me, my father- the man on my right and adopted brother grafted skin for you, we also replaced your organs and spine with better...material and your brain is fully healed and enhanced as well'. She turns to her dad 'Pa, let's transfer it now before he goes unconscious'. He nods and holds her right hand then she places her left hand on my forehead. Images flashes in my mind:
A silver haired young boy around 8 years old that had the name James folarin stands in a battlefield with a bloody sword in his right hand. All around were badly mutilated corpses which stretched for dozens of miles. On closer observation the boy has a sneer on his face and for some reason I know that he's the woman's dad. Then I see a silver haired young girl around 6 years old swiftly climbing a mountain with ease that would put a mountain goat to shame. Then said girl is surrounded by dozens of enemies and with her bare hands she brutally kills them all with grace showing no fatigue afterwards - name of Kate folarin the person who saved me. Then I see another person, male around 17 years old whose standing on a building, for some reason he has silver hair as well..maybe due to extreme training. He disappears and appears on a battlefield with soldiers clad in full armour, I know that these soldiers are the best, well trained and perfect teamwork even under pressure. 2 blades appear in the mans hands and he says in a flat cold tone 'my name is Kevin folarin, you can call me devilgod' then he sneers 'although it doesn't matter as you're all dead'. His form shimmers and the massacre begins as he starts slashing decimating hundreds of soldiers with a single slash. After 2 minutes the ground is littered with corpses. He cleans his blades of the blood by slicing down then the blades disappear.
Then images flash across my mind, punches, kicks, grapples, defense arts, attack skills, movement arts, skill books of the highest grade, magic runes, wards and markings, support skills and healing skills. Then my vision fades to black again.
Im in a green field with a golden sun. I see a black wall reaching 70 feet in height and 20 feet in length, no a black door with some purple markings and drawings. Securing it are an uncountable number of black and purple chains and padlocks with red wards on some of the chains and padlocks. I see a name in front of the door..
I wake up seeing a clear blue sky, then I look around and see Aradons worried face staring at me. He asks 'how are you?'. I reply 'good, far better than usual'. I realise that a soft cloth is below my head. I stand slowly then shake out my hands and legs feeling a bit groggy. Then I feel power flow through my veins, like nothing I've ever felt before. I say status outloud to see what changes occurred:

Name: Blackdevil God
Race: Devilgod
Class: Lightning shadow, Reaper

Level: 40

HP - 10000
MP - 11000

Strength: 8000
Intelligence: 7000
Wisdom: 7000
Agility: 8500

Special skill: limit breaker. Reaper. Demon eyes.

I tap on the skills and see their descriptions:
[Reaper] - takes skills and stats of beings that you kill.
[Demon eyes] - ability to observe an object/ being. Analysis will be of a high level.
I show this to Aradon and he whistles. He stares at me and he is silent for a seconds.
Then he starts talking 'there is another ancestor you should know about, a female.' He is silent again, I believe he's phrasing his words. He continues 'Millions of years ago on some random planet where the inhabitants were stronger than us pieces of say their average stats were around the lower millions. But your ancestor  was a real freak as her stats were in the billions, she could destroy planets with ease'. I ask him 'what was her name? And how can you be sure?'. He says 'I don't know..maybe noone does. How I'm sure?'. His eyes become glassy and his face turns slightly pale and with a distant voice he says 'There is one thing....she said "My descendant will be of African black British descent, at first he will be slothful and lethargic, but upon coming into his powers my other descendant Mark Storm known as a devilgod will acknowledge him fully and give him most of his powers. Along with this he will gain purple cat slitted eyes which are known as harbringer of chaos and godslayer'. He returns to normal and I stare at him for a few seconds before asking 'how did you do that'. His eyes turn bloodshot and his mouth almost turns to a snarl as he says 'you don't wanna know'. Then his face softens as he grasps my shoulder 'sorry, didn't mean to snap at you like that-'. I cut him off saying 'I understand, tell me when your ready to'. Strangely I notice a floating tower with moss wrapped around it, it looked a few dozens of years old. Aradon says 'before anything go conquer that dungeon'. I ask what probability I have of surviving and he says 'when you got hit I started to spam teleport towards you since you covered a ridiculous amount of distance. After some seconds I saw you here and also saw the tower, but its aura was far it must have increased in difficulty as you increased in power. Before you had a 20% change of winning, now you have a 40% chance. Any who good luck'. I summon limit breaker again and I'm transported again to the field.
The female voice again asks 'what abilities would you like to acquire?'.
I reply immediately 'the first ability will be to immediately revive after being killed, I will self-revive with 100% HP and mp with 5 seconds of invincibility. The second will be the highest level fiend god defense skill (Fiendgods are beasts of old that have incredible defence, offence, intelligence and skill) which should make me invulnerable or almost invulnerable to any and all damage. The third is wards taken from the ancient world which will be in black ink all over my legs, chest and upper body except my head and back (my mind said leave out my back) The fourth should be my own personal item box with an infinite amount of space to store weapons and items in, whatever placed in it should not rot or degrade and I will be able to bring out any item to any space I desire and also put any being outside my space inside it, said should not have casting or cooldown time'.
A few seconds later I see 2 skill books, one with a picture of a sun shining brilliantly on a pharaoh of Egypt with the name [Rebirth of the pharaoh]. The second was of a human with red patterns and designs on his body with a red aura which red [Fiendgod refining] I grasp both in my hands and they are absorbed into me as I levitate 4 inches into the air. I feel even stronger and faster. Then small wards float around me when I drop. They slowly move around, stop then dance quickly around me and burn themselves onto my skin. I feel a flash of pain where the wards are then it disappears immediately. I appear next to Aradon who immediately says 'there was one thing I left out, you should now have a black dragon and snake tattoo on your back. He goes to my back and gasps at the sight. Then he stands in front of me and touches my forehead with his palm showing me the tattoo that covers my entire back:
A magnificent black scaled dragon and serpent going round in a circle, the dragon on the upper left the snake on the lower right, their scales seem to distort the air around them, each one detailed and glowing. Both of their mouths are open in a silent roar as if they will devour this world. I shiver looking at the serpents purple eyes and the dragons red eyes. Aradon says 'these  were your ancestors prized beasts. Being tattoos they just have less than 10% of their original power which you can siphon off them and you can also call them into combat when the need arises. I wish you good luck'. He smiles then yellow light envelopes his figure and he disappears.

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