Chapter 2- Special ability

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He drew his sword and advanced  with his sword raised shouting a war cry... I raised my right hand and wondered if I could use magic so I made my hand level with his chest and said "Amaterasu". He stopped wondering if he had been affected but sadly for me he hasn't. He shouts at me "you bastard, that was a funny trick however you killed our leader and now youre gonna die". I thought 'your leader was armed and was more skilled..what hope in hell do you have of beating me?' But kept my mouth shut externally.
I realised I may need some training before I could use elemental magic however there was something else I wanted to try with the 2 remaining guinea pigs. I raised my right hand to his chest for the second time directly at his heart and said "grasp heart!". The effect was immediate and he stopped where he stood dropping his sword and grasping his chest in pain. Jay changed the form of his hand to a fist crushing the lackeys heart, blood gushed from his mouth and he dropped to his knees and crumpled to the ground. I didn't have the time to look at the effects in detail because the last soldier was rushing towards me. I turn around as he brings his sword in a deadly arc downwards aiming to split my head in half, I dodged to his left and his sword got stuck in the ground and he was attempting to pull it out but was futile. I stood up straight then I leaned forward putting my arms back and left foot forward slightly more than my right and started to run toward him with an insane boost and reached him in 3 seconds gripping his face and using my momentum to slam his face into the ground causing a minor shockwave and crater around what use to be his head. I sigh after its over and realise that I'm still in my vest and shorts 'darn it, if I knew I would've changed..but everything happens I'll just have to loot these guys then' I think as I look at myself and the men.
After 10 minutes of rummaging and refitting I was in red armour and had strapped a sword on both sides of my waist to eventually dual blade in future. I had a bag across my back which held the last sword, their gold and some potions and rations the soldiers were carrying. I begin to walk forward to try to find a town but I stopped and i draw the sword on my left side when a flashy smoke bomb appears and I see a beautiful woman in a bright yellow suit step out of it. I jump 3 feet away from here and slash my sword held in one hand downwards creating minor wind around me, the wind runs through her hair caressing it softly. Even though she sees someone with a sword and it's pointed in her direction she remains calm and keeps smiling. She says "I mean you no harm, I'm just here to give you this" a small rectangular black bag appears in her hand. I lower my guard and sheathe my sword taking the item from her and say " what do you want in exchange and what's the catch?".
"I want you to become stronger...the bag contains items that will help you along your journey. You don't owe me anything for that bag" she replies. Her face is delighted as she says these next words "You have the most powerful ability in this world, you'll need to watch your back as multiple people will attempt to kill you when they know who you are". I think 'she says that all with a smile on her face...weirdo'. I ask her "who brought me to this world and why?" She says "I won't tell you who but they thought it would be funny to see how humans would cope with an alternate dimension and wanted to laugh at their sufferings and failures". I get disappointed by this because I thought it was something different...anyway I ask her "so what's my special ability that's so precious and if I die here is that the end?". "You'll have to figure out the limits of your ability on your own its more fun that way. Yes if you die here that is the end for you. Ah. Unfortunately my time with you is up Jay I need to leave. I'll be seeing you later then", she floats into the air and says "I almost forgot to tell you, my name is emerald. Bye" and with that she disappeared without a trace. I begin to think about what she said as a window pops up in my face.

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