Chapter 26 - My Prize

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I look at the old man's face for a few seconds while I think. What do mortals want? Immortality, wealth, knowledge and power..I have immortality, I have money and a decent level of power. What I lack is knowledge..that is what I need. Even though it will hurt, most likely I wont even be able to contain it; the sheer vast amount of information will make my techniques perfect as well as my moves and control over my body. I say "I want knowledge...Information about the human body, of the various Daos in our universe, of the techniques, arts and skills of ancestors that may or may not still be alive. Information about technology, artificing, alchemy and lastly creation and destruction, I dont care how far back the information dates and how long until it ends. I also want as much of this information as possible". The old man with white hair nods and I see a profound look in his eyes as he stands and walks toward me. He says "Knowledge is power..." he suddenly laughs before saying " damn brat, normally only one item or wish should be granted but you've asked for multiple things". I reply "I asked just for information, it was just one thing with some sub topics". The old man nods once more then raises his right hand, a golden orb forms a few centimetres above it and I see it drastically condense and become heavier. When the orb is dark gold and the size of a marble the old man drops his hand and the marble moves toward me planting itself in my mind...What happens next is a bit muddled but I'll explain as best I can:

My vision grows black then white. I see bleak space filled with distant stars, the area around me is such a deep blue even with my eyesight it appears black. I forcibly rip back into my body and I howl, one that is full of anguish beyond compare, like my soul is burning so bad I forget what I am, the only thing that I feel is excruciating pain flare all around my consciousness. I'm placed back in the slightly starry void and I see a magnificently large Chaosworld or what I assume to be one. It spans for trillions of kilometres and I cannot see its end. A man in grey robes stands in the centre of the world. He seems like the very core of this world and an exalted aura pours out of him. I see billions of beings rushing toward him who also have admirable auras, all brandish some kind of weapon: spear, sword, saber, gauntlet, staff. Then all the cultivators move into a formation changing into an imposing White Dragon. For some reason I see the name of the formation - Revered Almighty Draconic Beast and all its important and superficial parts. I even feel my truesoul shake in the face of such power. When the dragon is a few metres away the grey man slowly raises his right hand. When his hand is extended and placed in front of him space distorts brutally, I see cracks in space, the smallest dozens of miles not to talk about the largest ones appearing around the dragon. The attack forcefully pushes the formation back. From below golden chains enclose themselves around the grey man and he struggles against them. From behind more cultivators charge and I see that their auras flare with a bloody light around them, I feel killing intent radiating from the uncountable mass of people and realise they overlayed multiple forbidden techniques. From his right comes an army, the soldiers marching to the beat of the war drummer behind them and following in step with their overlord in front who rides on a large stallion black as night, its coarse shimmering hair looking unnatural even for my standards. From his left comes a large group of mages: The Mages Association. Most wield staffs but the leader is a cruel looking young woman, she would be beautiful if not for her emotionless silver eyes and what surprises me is that she wields a spear, it is 6 feet long and has a single tip. Along its body runes, wards and glyph's are etched which glow with crimson light. The dragon stands once more from its prone position and all 4 organisations attack en masse. Suddenly grey light surrounds the man who still struggles with his chains, the grey light shifts and changes forming searing white light and emits an aura of horrendous intent. The white light seeps into the ground and the chaosworld explodes; there are strangely no particles or destroyed land moving - Just a blinding silver light and pure energy which passes through me. I blink roughly before taking my hand from my eyes and observing my surroundings. I'm once again in empty space but I see images and descriptions such as the womans spear, I'm given a detailed explanation on what its made of, how to remake the characters and what the characters do. I'm given detailed descriptions of all the people that lived here and what language they spoke, how they planted and created their medicines and food crops. How to breed the best horses. Information on the body which can never be surpassed: All the pressure points of the human body, what to press to disable mana and ki, what to press to kill and what to press to heal, how to transplant organs and some respiration exercises. Time rapidly moves forward, but even then it feels like I spend decades alone. A new chaosworld forms which is far, far inferior to its predecessor. The cultivators had to start from scratch using trial and error when forming techniques, arts and skills. They got hang of farming and crafting easier though and were soon able to forge swords, bows, axes, machetes and the like. I dont know why, maybe his neighbor beat up his brother or something but one idiot stops the smooth peace everyone has been feeling by walking up to a similarly sized figure with an axe and chops his head off in front of at least a hundred people. At first everyone looked confused for 10 seconds, then...oho every starts clawing at each others throats like savages. Hours later fights break out in more areas, more violence, more destruction and more killing until a woman stands and through her own brutality she maintains order in this new world. She dons an emerald colour qipao and is revered as the jade empress. Once again I'm pulled back to my body, or what I think it is..maybe its my mind and soul. I feel like needles coated in venom pierce every micrometre in my body soul and mind leaving nothing out. Then I'm back again staring at the void, the pain more distant, just a throbbing annoyance. I see multiple Daos going from lesser Daos like the Dao of the inferno, gale and ice to greater Daos like the Grand Dao of the Sword, the Grand Dao of the Saber, the Grand Dao of the Bow, also constructs, formations, lightning and taiji to name a few. Then I see the complete this is what literally kills me. After seeing the complete Daos of the saber, sword, spear, bow, constructs and alchemy my soul is ripped from my body. Or something similar to that happens because thats what it felt like. I feel every centimetre of my innards slowly, ripped forcefully from my vessel and I become formless. I continue viewing the remaining Daos and the world as scientists begin to experiment creating cultivation techniques which quickly spread and even the weakest of these people can at least reach a decent level in cultivation. After multiple chaos cycles where I acquire all their techniques and information this chaosworld also explodes but the jade empress took the population into her estate world beforehand as she waits for a new chaosworld to form. This time I feel a far larger surge of energy which forms the Prime Essences of all Daos that exist and I see multiple Chaosverses form. The Jade Empress lands on a random Chaosworld and brings out her people where they settle down. Over time the population increases rapidly filling about 60% of the chaosworld, and with the increase in people more techniques, technonlogy and weapons are created. Eventually the cultivators create aircrafts and begin to wander the realm settling down in new areas, also becoming stronger and start experimenting. I turn my head and see the Sithe chaosverse, they are far more advanced with cultivation, technology, techniques and are far more knowledgeable than the humans..and of course I gain all the Sithe schematics of their tech and the breakdown of their techniques as well as their formations. I also gain knowledge in artificing and alchemy. I realise that I can rapidly increase the potency of my healing pills by hundreds of folds at the least, I'll also have the expertise and ingredients to make cultivation pills as well as ones that will boost attack, speed, defense and dexterity. 

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