Chapter 21 - The one who will kill us all

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Amon patiently waits outside as thoughts race across his mind 'Why did that woman appear here?, What causes those grievous injuries?, Was I too late in appearing and have I now inadvertently caused her death?'. At the last thought he bites his lip.


After stopping the blood flow Shala thinks to herself 'Damn this idiot. How the hell did she get herself into this...Multiple bone fractures, ribs shattered, large blood loss..and worst of all that gaping wound..If whatever creature caused this wound comes here we will all be killed off like ants'. She grimly focuses on her task healing her internal organs then sets her bones and the process continuous until the woman is more or less healed. The whole process only takes 10 minutes due to Shala's amazing healing capabilities. 

Upon opening my eyes I see an old woman staring down at me. My body is wrapped in warm cloth and my body rests on a decent bed. I dont attempt getting up due to my former condition so I look at the old woman. "I assume it was you who healed me. Thank you". With that I slightly move my upper body, feeling no resistance I sit up and ask "How long was I out?". She replies "10 minutes or so, I healed all your injures so you can leave now". The old woman stands up and moves to one side of the cottage and keeps herself busy. I stand up slowly fearing backlash, encountering none I look around for my black robes which are placed on the bed with some normal clothes. My black robes are ruined to the point of almost being rags...I grit my teeth. If not for that freak...Che.

I quickly dress and leave her building. Outside I encounter the man who saved me who I also thank as I keep walking.


The creature in the Rea tower roars in fury 'Damn that woman!!'. Its figure shimmers as it teleports. Sensing the blood trail the woman is tracked to a village 'Hmph, your attempt to escape is futile. The end result is still death!'. The demons aura is unleashed in all its glory causing the sky to turn dark, dark clouds to form and  lightning to hit the ground. Then a roar is heard, this roar incites terror in the minds of all the villagers be they weak or strong. It was one which causes the weak to curl up and beg for death and even for the strong to become weak in the knees and possibly cause them to doubt themselves. "If you villagers give up a woman who I am looking for I will spare your lives..if you dare defy me then HMPH! I massacre you all!"

It was in this exact moment that the demon known as the devilgod spotted his prey: the woman who has so irksomely escaped his killing blow. A devilish grin is shown on his face as he slowly descends from the skies. 


Meanwhile: In a magnificent estate a black haired man calmly drinks wine.Suddenly a feeling of dread envelops him as he feels his disciples's talisman shatter. His handsome face becomes grotesque as he roars "WHO DARES HARM MY DISCIPLE?!!!". Immediately he disappears and teleports to the village which our two friends are in by tearing space.


Both the demon and the woman turn to the huge vortex of forcibly ripped open space as they hear another shout "WHO DARES HARM MY DISCIPLE!!". A black robed black haired male shoots out of the vortex and stands 10 metres from the demon. The beautiful woman looks at her master as she shouts "Be careful master, he isnt to be underestimated!". A black sword appears in the mans right hand. Then he speaks "My title is Darkwave, for you to dare harm my disciple Denise means you have some decent backing. However you will still die here". The demon brings out 2 blades as the village evacuates. Obviously there arent qualified to even watch a fight of such magnitude. The black robes man must be even stronger than the one who came looking for the woman so when the male youth dies they wont worry about the youth seeking revenge and wiping out the village members.

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