Chapter 23 - Soul Rebirth

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As the black mist dissipates Arden takes Emilia and the unknown man under his arms carrying both their weight with ease. The large man groans but is ignored by Arden who thinks 'Excellent I've finally found a worthy rival'. A few seconds later a woman garbed in a black ninja outfit appears, she turns to Arden "Why didn't you give chase to him?" Arden shrugs while saying "I cant beat him in a one on one fight, he evaded me when I tried to slash him and he'll now be wary of pursuers. We should just go back so these two can get treated". She nods once then carries the large man. Seeing the drill like wound in his stomach a low hiss comes out of her lips as anger flares in her eyes. "You take them back yourself, a squad is coming to assist you which comprise of four people, one will carry Emilia and the other 3 will assist me". Immediately after she disappears, her body moving at rapid speeds to where the attacker went. As Arden watches her go he thinks 'I hope he doesnt get killed, it would be such a pity. I wonder if this big dunce Alec will die?'. Then he sits on the ground thinking 'Wanderer you must survive this encounter and become far stronger than you are now'.


I rapidly run at full speed, well fly would be a better term. Then suddenly I'm enveloped by killing intent so brutal that my whole body turns cold. My face turns unsightly as I think 'Well fuck me, must be the sister he talked about'. I stop abruptly landing on the ground which breaks apart due to the speed of my flight. I pivot on my foot facing the focus of the killing intent which rapidly comes straight for me, the grass moves wildly under the pressure they cause. I see a woman clad in a black ninja outfit, her eyes bloodshot with rage, without speaking she draws 2 long daggers and gets into a fighting stance. I lower myself into the horse stance and see a notification [User has acquired dao of the spear. Offence Dao order is as follows: 1. Dao of the spear. 2. Dao of the fist 3. Dao of the sword]

I bring out a bundle of cream coloured cloth which is wrapped around a weapon 6ft long. I harshly tug a the cloth until I see my spear. It is gleaming ebony with blood red wards carved into its shaft and spear point as well as the butt of the spear. I drop the overcoat and charge her. My spear is thrust out aiming for her forehead and I release my killing intent as well. She blocks my first strike with difficulty with her left blade while striking at my side with her right blade. I backtrack dodging to her right as I unleash my 100% aura and charge again. I pivot on my left foot when I'm behind her and she slashes at empty air as I embed my spear-tip into her rib cage. I swiftly roll backwards as her blade again meets empty air. She grunts as blood flows out of her wound. Then she unleashes her aura and then she's behind me aiming to skewer my brain and spinal cord. I spin around bringing my shaft around aiming to hit her side, With no other option she blocks with both blades but I hear a loud crack as the bones in her forearms crack. 'Hmph, now to end this'. I change my fighting style to brutal fluid attacks. I slash 5 times at her stomach, they appear as if they are one movements and I slightly change the position of my hands with each slash. She blocks 2 and staggers back heavily. I dont let up as I keep attacking her, I attack her left side with the spear shaft again and she screams as her bones are further shattered. Using that moment I charge at her eye. [One thrust kills all] Red aura accumulates on my spear tip and my spear rapidly moves towards her, she digs her feet in the ground and moves her upper body turning it her left and shifting her body to the right. My attack causes a scar on the right side of her face. 'That was a feint imbecile'. My left foot digs heavily into the earth and I pivot as I kick her with my right in the solar plexus, I hear multiple bones shatter and I thrust with my spear breaking some of the bones in her rib cage. A huge chunk of blood as well as organs spew from her mouth as she staggers back heavily, then falls to the ground. I walk to her slowly then crouch down as I whisper into her ear "Come after me again and I will kill you". I stand and feel the pressure of 3 powerful people 'Dammit, that must be a mere part of their squad, I'll hide'. my body disappears as I activate [Cloaking] I send out a clone before I move 10m away from her body. A few seconds later 3 figures appear, two women and a man, all appear to be in their early 20's, and all are good looking. Seeing her prone body on the ground the man howls in anger, his features twisting in a gruesome fashion. His teeth gnash as he curses and sees her injuries. After inspection one of the women say "Both her forearms are broken, as well as 18 ribs, her right thigh bone is damaged along with her left foot. Her organs are also badly damaged. She may not be at 100% even with our best medicines, to be honest even if she survives she may be crippled for the rest of her life...Whoever did this...they are calculating and cold, as well as cunning" She sniffs the air, her long blonde hair moving slightly. "They did this with a bladed weapon, maybe a spear, sword or dagger. They are also an expert in torture" The rate at which she sniffs increases, then she stops suddenly and looks straight in my eyes, her jade eyes piercing my very soul. I try to move but her gaze pins me to place. Cold sweat drips down my forehead as I think 'Shit, shit, shit'. Her body shimmers and she's behind me. I quickly change into a normal shirt and jeans before her arms wrap around me and force me out of stealth mode. I attempt to struggle but I cant even twitch. Her arms tighten and I grunt in pain. The man garbed in black robes walks toward me with a twisted look on his face and says "Well, well little bro. Today seems to be your unlucky day because I need an outlet for my anger". He stands in front of me but I dont look up at him. He puts his right hand under my chin and slowly brings my head up to face him. He says "My name is Jin little bro. What happened here? Do you know who attacked my little sister?" I nod once and tell him "Yes, I was hiding here and saw some man in an overcoat and trousers attack this innocent girl. The man was flying in this direction quickly covering ground but then he stopped and turned. Then the girl appeared behind him and drew out 2 daggers and advanced on him. Being weak I didnt dare interfere with those seniors when they were fighting, even though he was stronger that demonic creature didnt give her ground and just keep slashing and pounding at her until she was in this state you see now. Then he crouched down and whispered something to her before flying away again". His left hand tightened as he hears my story, then he says "What did he tell her?". I appear to be lost in thought then with my eyebrows raised I ask him "If I tell this senior the truth he wont hurt me?" He nods "Of course I wont". I tell him "He said 'Stupid skank, come after me again and I will kill your whole family..but not before I screw your sisters and mother' " The veins in his neck, forehead and arms bulge furiously, to the point that his fair skin looks like it has purple snakes writhing underneath. Jin lets go of my chin and sighs deeply. Then he looks to his companion and says "Sandra let him go". Her arms linger for a few seconds then she lets go. Jin hands me a small bag which I take. He extends his hand and rubs my head saying "Sorry for the trouble...So what way did that fucker go?". I point to my left, Jin runs first then the woman with black hair. Sandra looks at me with what I believe to be anger for a few seconds then she runs too. I raise my middle finger to her back as she runs. I turn to the girl lying on the ground which they left behind and walk over to her putting my hand on her forehead. She's burning up fast and without treatment may die. I crouch down next to her before producing a light green pill from my inventory: Its the weakest pill in my inventory which I only made one because of its impotence. Without warning the three figures reappear around me and Jin says "What is that?" I reply calmly "A healing pill" Then pop it into her mouth. Ninja girl regains her faculties and when she sits up I put my arm around her back. She attempts to spit it out but I clamp my hand on her mouth forcefully hissing to her "Dont you dare spit it out". She reluctantly swallows the pill and is healed almost immediately but for a protruding rib bone which I yank out. Ninja girl gasps but the bone grows once more, all her wounds are fully healed and her clothes are fully repaired. I turn seeing that Jin's mouth is wide open as well as the black haired woman's mouth. Sandra pounces on me gripping my forearms and straddling my stomach. Then Sandra says "Become our healer". In my mind I snort 'HAA! I'll pass'. Ninja girl bows to me and respectfully says "Thank you for saving me"(I changed my face when I went into the forest, and now its back to normal). Jin angrily pulls Sandra off me and helps me up clasping my hand. He doesnt let go as he smiles at me. Then he suddenly kowtows to me saying "Thank you for saving her life brother. I am now in your debt, ask whatever you want". I hurriedly drag him to his feet and smile "Dont worry about it" He grabs my shoulders, his face frantic but he soon calms down and nods. He touches my forehead with his index finger and I feel a soothing strand of will enter my soul and he says "That is some of my will, think of it as a bell that you can ring when you need me". I nod Ninja girl says "I am also in your debt, my name is Katara. Call if you even need me for anything". I nod and tell Katara "Dont move around too much for a few minutes so you dont open any wounds again" Katara nods and asks my my own name "Its Jay" I bow to them all then start walking to the nearest town without giving them a backward glance. 

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