Chapter 29 - Shock

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•••Stevens Pov••

I make my way to the set of the second last day of filming and on the way spot Hazel and Matt, they're sitting side by side on their directors chairs taking photos on Hazel's phone. Early this morning I spotted Matt and Jess doing some 'decorating' on Hazels chair, quite funny if you ask me, I don't mind, as long as they don't ask for a new chair.

They sit laughing and making duck faces, kissing each other's cheeks as they take photographs. I was betting with Hazels cousin Zoe how long it would take for them to tell me, looks like they didn't exactly tell me. So we north lost that bet.

Most people could see that they were close, a lot of people could tell there was something but when the Johanna thing came around everyone sort of drifted away from the topic, but now all eyes are on them, everyone wants to see what will happen next.

"Steven," Jess says walking up next to me, "awh aren't they cute"

"Yes, yes they are," I chuckle,

"So, three days well be outta here," Jess sighs,

"Yeah, it's sorta sad, lots of things have happened here y'know?" I reply,

"So filming finishes, tomorrow and then flights the nest day, then in four weeks the premier and then boom T.V and then holiday, and then back to work again," Jess laughs,

"A day in the life of Smitton," I smirk walking back to Hazel and Matt, I've got to tease them a bit it is part of my job.

"Keep it to your free time," I say walking past the two of them,

"We've been doing that for for the past month or two, it's now completely impossible," Matt replies with a wink causing Hazel to giggle uncontrollably,

"young love" I sigh rolling my eyes, "I'll never understand it,"

•••Matt's Pov•••

"And that my friends is a wrap!" Steven says excitedly, the last scene we are over and done with.

"Woo!" Hazel shouts unleashing a party popper in my face, she's obviously much better.

"Oi" I laugh picking her up and chucking her over my shoulder as she laughs.


"I can't believe we're done" Hazel says as I carry her back to her trailer, I haven't taken her off my shoulder yet,

We have to get changed for the after party and Hazel said she just couldn't be bothered walking, typical.

I get to her door and she smiles sweetly to me as I place her down gently, force of habit now.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask as she looks at me innocently,

She just shrugs her shoulders and wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss, she keeps her hands around me and hugs me laughing a little bit,

"What drugs have you been having?" I laugh opening her door and pushing her in gently as she winks to me.

Defiantly on drugs.


I knock on Hazels door and she opens it with a mad grin, "hello," she smiles her excitement to overwhelming.

I look at her dress and she has a fun rainbow colored paint splattered no sleeved short party dress, with rainbow colored high heel. Beautiful.

"What? Now your staring at me," Hazel laughs grabbing my hand and dragging all the way to the car.


We park outside the venue, the paparazzi absolutely everywhere. We both step out and I hand my keys to the man waiting for us who them dives the car away.

Driving Him Crazy while Driving Her Crazy! (Matt Smith FanFiction) ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now