Chapter 25 - Thrilling

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•••Chapter 25 - Thrilling•••

I walk down the street I make this a daily thing now, I feel happy when I don't hide my identity if I feel tired or just sad I hide my identity, today's different I'm happier than normal. So far in the last few days I've visited my mum everyday had dinner with her everyday, spent actual time with her, I missed this.

I've only spoken to Matt when necessary, well we're still friends and we do see each other allot, basically when we are filming, but it's just I feel well.... It's hard to explain but I just don't want to talk to him ever.

It's been a week since that only a few more days of filming left. Tomorrow is the kiss scene between me and Matt so.... Yeah... thrilling. I guess I'm over him so it doesn't really get me excited or anything, I'm more nervous. The news about Johanna and Matt died down I never actually read any of the magazines, I avoided them like the plague but I do wonder sometimes what the note had said that was talked about on the front of the magazine I saw; but I don't really care.

I walk into the supermarket -where I always used to go growing up- and head down the bread isle. I love bread, I have bread cravings when I'm sad.

As I scan through the selections and grab some Wonderwhite, Up, and any I can find.

"Hazie!" A voice says behind me I spin around and smile extending my arms happily,

"Bobbie!" I nearly scream hugging him. Bobbie was my boyfriend in year 12, we were super close, like a best friend couple, but fights happen and well one night we ended it and never spoke again, but I've grown up and gotten over it, I hope he has too.

"So miss Superstar back here? Aye?" He says with his smile.

"Y'know me, can never stay away from your manly charms," I laugh,

"Oh yes, I'm so stupid for not realizing that," he smirks flirtatiously. I must say that he is a bit of a spunky guy, all muscles, plus he is actually a really nice guy, I wish I could sorta take back that day I walked out on him.

"I've gotta dash, working you see," he smirks grabbing a loaf of bread from my pile,

"Oih!" I say taking it back, "get your own,"

"Fine then he sighs miss superstar bread hoarder," he laughs, tipping his hat and turning away, before turning around again, "you wouldn't mind catching up tonight would you? Like I understand if your busy and all- I just like- we should catch up y'know?" He asks stuttering making me laugh,

"Sure," I smile, "The Mildura Hotel room 84"

"Six o'clock?"

"See you then," I smile excitedly.

For one second I actually forgot about Matt, I moved on, I've moved on! This is the best day ever.


"So what's it like in the UK?" Bobbie asks me, I must say I think he's flirted with me through this whole night, not that I'm complaining or anything, It takes my mind of things.

"Cold" I say; short but sweet.

"Ready to ditch this place?" He asks smirking deliciously to me.

"Ready as ever," I smile he took me to the red cliffs club the place we went on our first date. A lot has changed since then.

We step outside its warm not like England where it's usually cold at this time of year, he places an arm around me like you would to keep warm, except it's cold, "I missed you, honest, I swear"

"What ever happened to us?" I ask,

"Misunderstandings," he frowns,

"They seem to be my thing," I smirk flirtasiously, this is good.

Driving Him Crazy while Driving Her Crazy! (Matt Smith FanFiction) ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now