Chapter 27 - Reunite

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•••Chapter 27 - Reunite•••

•••3 days later•••

I open my eyes again the fourth time in the past however many days it has been, every time I open them something new is in my room whether it's roses or cards or anything really it's always different, but this time I open my eyes pain digs into my head making me just want to roll over an die a nurse comes in and my eyes feel heavy and drowsy still.

"Why good morning Miss. Nawton" she smiles fiddling around with the wires and tubes to my left, after she's done I feel a sense of relief as the pain dies down, I think she gave me more pain killers.

My eye lids droop again and I'm out to it.


•••Matt's Pov••• (1 day later)

I walk back and fourth continuously, they haven't let me see Hazel again yet, I don't like it, she has hardly been awake they tell me, four times in eight days and only for a minuet or two each time. they say she will improve, they tell me she will improve and I really do try to believe them, but I hate to see her like that, so cold, so hurt, so lost. I just want to hold her in my arms tell her I love her over and over, but I can't.

Hazels strong and I know she can get through this but, how long will it take, will she be the same person? I remember when we first started dating we were having a pillow fight and she feel down the stairs and all she did was laugh, laugh and laugh, that's Hazel all she ever did was laugh. She's a fighter.



"Hello?" I say,

"Matt, it's me," a female voice says,

"Me who?" I ask confused the voice sounds familiar but I can't put a face to it.

"Y'know, that one, your special one, you girlfriend," she laughs, Hazel.

"Hazel! Where are you? are you ok?" I ask frantically, god I miss her,

"I'm fine," she laughs, "do you want to pick me, if your not busy,"

"Sure thing, I'll be there in about 10 minutes," I smile, I can't believe she's back, and she doesn't sound changed, her voice just more croaky, but I'm sure it'll return to normal in no time.

I drive into the car park and up to the entrance, as I park I look over and see her sitting by the door, still as beautiful as the day I met her, still as amazing as the day I met her, still my girlfriend.

I walk up the footpath and she smiles standing up, rickety and slow, but as happy as ever.

I jog over and hug her carefully. She giggles. She smiles. She is amazing.

"Hello," I smirk,

"Hello," she grins,

"I missed you," I say rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly,

She grins laughing at the awkwardness of the comment before grabbing me and kissing my lips.

"Mm, Vegemite," she says licking her lips, "told you it tasted good,"

"Surprisingly," I grin placing my arm around her waste and walking back to the car she walks steadily, well as steady as you can be after being attacked.

The scar on her head has disappeared a bit but not fully, and the swollenness of her cheek has disappeared.

"How long has it been? They didn't tell me," Hazel asks looking at my watch,

Driving Him Crazy while Driving Her Crazy! (Matt Smith FanFiction) ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now