Chapter 18 - Getaway

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•••Chapter 18 - Getaway•••

I flick my eyes open and laugh seeing Matt's hair sticking out wildly in every direction. I quickly garb my phone and start to take picture of it while laughing like a witch, oh I'm evil. He starts to awake after a hundred or so pictures and I quickly change the mode to video and record him.

"Wakey wakey, sleepy head" I say kindly

"What are you doing? Go away" Matt groans

"I'm recording, bed head" I laugh as he jumps up covering his face with the blanket.

•••Heidi's pov•••

I dial his number and wait patiently.

"Hello," he says casually

"Sorry, now please listen and don't hang up, I'm sorry for the whole cupboard, Hazel thing but I can explain it to her and i just need her to forgive me and she'll listen to you, please get Hazel to forgive me, please," I beg,

"Um sure," he says unsure, he also sounds half asleep.

"Oh thank you, I could kiss you," I say happily before realising what I had just said and wishing I could take it back,

"Ok?" he says unsure "I'm with her now so yeah, bye," he says hanging up

•••Hazel's Pov•••

"Hey Matt want an egg?" I ask from down stairs,

"Yeah sure," he replies from upstairs just as his phone rings.

I dance around the kitchen area as the eggs cook, whistling a random tune. But stop when a sudden laughter startles me.

"Are you always like this?" Matt asks coming down the stairs his hair actually normal.

"No. Maybe. Shut up," I say sticking my tongue out to Matt who happily walks over grabbing the boiled egg, I grab mine as well and eat it with my fingers. Totally lady like.

"Ready to go," Matt asks as I finish my egg,

"Totally," I smile grabbing my short leather jacket.

We walk to the front door and I pull it open to be blinded by endless flashing lights that blur my vision. I hear the endless clicks that are loud and deafening Matt quickly grabs the door and slams it shut.

"Paparazzi," I sigh blinking rapidly and rubbing my eyes, "how do we get out?"

"The window?" Matt says hesitantly looking at my red skater skirt,

"Eye's front soldier," I laugh walking over to the kitchen window.

We climb through the window after I made Matt go first, before sneaking around the side of the house peering around the corner to see the paparazzi still distracted by the door. We run to Matt's car and jump in before atking a sigh of relief.

"That was a close getaway," I say sliding down the chair.

"Totally was" Matt says before turning serious "you really should talk to Heidi"

"When she wants to talk to me I will talk to her" I spit,

"She's your best friend, Haze" Haze where the hell did the nickname Haze come from

"So?" I say

"Call her" Matt says sternly

"Ok" I say reaching into my pocket. Crap. "Where's my phone?"

"Don't look at me" He sighs

"It's your fault, I left it on the bed" I joke "I'll have to get it during my lunch break" I sigh


I pull up at my house in Matt's car and notice that the paparazzi have gone, yes! I walk back inside and it feels empty without Heidi.

I miss Heidi, maybe I should call her.

I run up the stairs and into the room grabbing my phone and unlocking it, it's still recoding. "Son of a nutcracker"

I stop it recording and decided to watch it on fast forward and see what it has to say. I watch it and nothing happens then Matt walks in the door his hair still messed up and raggedy. He picks up his phone which was ringing and puts it on speaker so he can comb his hair.

"Sorry, now please listen and don't hang up, I'm sorry for the whole cupboard, Hazel thing- WHAT!


I cannot believe this, those double crossing liars.

Nobody double crosses the great Hazel Nawton. NOBODY.


Wait no I mean. N.O.B.O.D.Y.

I stomp down the stair and out the door I swear if I didn't like this door so much it would not be on its hinges right now. I get into Matt's car- Ew Matt's car. And drive off. When I reach the studio I charge inside like a lion hunting a gazelle ready to pounce on its sorry ass. I spot Matt talking to a girl. Player. I grab his hand mid sentence and pull him away.

"Did you smash my car?" Matt asks confused

"No! But i might smash your face" I spit

"What?" he says confused to whether it was a joke or not

I pull him in an empty room and push him against the wall,

"Hazel what are you doing" Matt asks confused

"What does it look like I can't believe you could do that" I spit

"Do what?" he asks

"Cheat on me with Heidi!" I say angrily I feel tears well up in my eyes but I fight them

"Hazelnut?" he says sadly

"Don't you Hazelnut me!" I shout clicking my shoes and walking to the door.


Oooohhhh Hazel and Matt are no more, sorry I feel like a little Moffat Monster, tehehehehehe. Any ideas I would love them!

Thank you for reading!

-ChickenPond79 out

Driving Him Crazy while Driving Her Crazy! (Matt Smith FanFiction) ((Completed))Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang