Chapter 24 - Slip Of The Tongue

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•••Chapter 24 - Slip Of The Tongue•••

"Hello Ex-girlfriend on pause" Matt laughs over the phone sort of chilled but sort of awkward.

It had taken me sometime to come to justice with the fact that Matt had cheated on me with Johanna, but then I realized that last time I thought he was cheating on me I nearly ruined everything so...? Yeah I'm in a reasoning mood.

I walked back to my hotel room with the magazine in hand thinking over what I was going to say to him, I eventually worked it all out but... I sort of forgot it as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Hello ex-boyfriend on pause" I say calmly trying to stay calm.

"What are you doing?" he asks not awkwardly but differently,

"hm... Well just sort of reading about you and your new girlfriend. Congrats!" I say, I want to know where this is going.

"wh- Girl- frien- wh- ho- what?" he says flabbergasted, knew he wasn't.... "oh wait yeah Johanna, me and her.. you read about it.. oh yeah, forgot about that" he said a bit embarrassed.

"wh- oh, yeah.. Yeah I- I read that" I stutter shocked, he just admitted it, but why?

"yeah, I've got to go get ready, see you on set" Matt says hanging up.

"Bye" I say to myself "I love you too" I frown.

I feel a tear falling down my face, why did I break up with him. I still love him, I thought we were just paused? Nothing makes sense, this never ever happens normally, either I'm a bad luck charm or Matt is.

It takes me awhile to get dressed and cover up my puffy eyes from all the crying, but eventually I grab my stuff and prepare to leave when my phone dings informing me that I have a message.

'Hey um... Is what I just read true? Matt and Johanna?? What? -Heidikin' Heidi had written

'he said it was true so I guess it is' I send back blatantly.

I leave my room and head down the hallway, Matt's room is only three down from mine his is actually next to Johanna's. Figures. I just hope he doesn't walk out right now.

I hear laughing, great. No now I sound mean. I don't hate him, I love him but I'm just confused whether he was with Johanna after me or during me or even how he could say pause and then begin another relationship.

"Hazel!" I turn around to see Steven his room is only four down from mine.

"hey, I thought you would have been at the studio by now?" I query with a smile,

"yes, but had to deal with some issues over the phone" Steven says obviously he's not in such a good mood.


"That Matt and Johanna conspiracy, haven't you heard?" Steven asks,

"yeah, 'conspiracy', totally" I say sarcastically, crap.

"you mean it's true?" Steven asks shocked.... me and my big mouth, what have I done, Matt could loose his job over this. Johanna I don't really care about.

"ah.. No- I.. no!" I say loudly at the end

"are you sur-?"

"Steven... Hazel" Matt says I just realized we were standing in front of his door.

"I better get going, leave you two at it" I say creeping away, what have I done?

Matt looks at me confused as he steps out the door, I look away before looking back and see Steven with a non pleased face. Guilt fills my chest creeping into every little hole available.

I'm the worst Ex-paused-Girlfriend ever.


"Hazel... are you ok?" Jess asks walking over her smile turning into a frown when she sees me frowning and staring into space.

"yeah, just day dreaming," I smile sadly, I haven't started the first scene yet and it's the last day of filming in the studio. I'm all dressed in my costume and my make-ups been done, I haven't seen Matt yet, I don't even know if he's here.

"have you ever done something you reeeaalllly regret," I ask, I trust Jess.

"yes, a few times to be exact, I once said no to my boyfriends proposal in front of like fifty people," Jess laugh "well not that I regret it, I just sort of felt bad."

"hm, feels like I've done that but worse" I frown maybe I shouldn't be telling her this.

"what have you done?" Jess asks half intrigued, half worried.

"I may have lost Matt his job"

"What?" Jess's jaw drops, and my gut clenched filled with hate.

"I accidentally said that Johanna and Matts relationship was real" I say standing up from my chair.

"Is it true?" Jess asks

"Yes" I frown

"Oh" she frowns "but I always thought... Y'know... You and him were.... We'll close"

"Hm" I frown.


"Hazel!" I hear someone call, it's Matt, I don't know how to feel right now, does he hate me? Does he still have a job? Oh god what have I done? I want to hide, I need to hide. Too late he's coming.

"Matt, I am so sorry" I say turning around looking at him directly in the eye "it was a slip of the tongue, I didn't mean to say anything, it was an accident, please forgive me I can't live with my self with out you at the job" I frown before meeting his eyes, he stares at me like he still loves me, but how can you tell.

"It's, okay nothing happened, he said it was okay," he laughs resting a hand on my shoulder, I look at his hand nervously and feel my heart beat faster,

"You're kidding right?" I say shocked, after everything me and Matt did to avoid that he allows Johanna and Matt to be together.

"Are you okay?" Matt asks me unsure, maybe this is payback? Because I paused him, ugh, this isn't right, it doesn't add up.

"Yeah just confused," I frown, understatement of the century, "What did Steven say?" I ask changing the subject

"Not much just that he wished I had of told him, but we're jot allowed to tell the press," Matt says Cooly like normal.

"Oh, well we're shooting in thirty minuets want to go there now?" I ask with a polite smile,

"Sure Hazelnut," he laughs, ugh, please don't call me that,

He drives me crazy and I always thought I drove him crazy, but now I'm not sure.


Oooh more drama they just can't stay away, and I know you waited a long time for this chapter and it was disappointing but I promise next one will be wayyyy better!

Pinky promise.

-signing out

Driving Him Crazy while Driving Her Crazy! (Matt Smith FanFiction) ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now