Chapter 17 - Traffic Was Hell

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•••Chapter 17 - Traffic Was Hell•••

We walk out the studio relieved, "I can't believe we thought it was that" making the that stand out

"were idiots!" Matt laughs

"total idiots" I laugh back

"fancy giving me a ride home?" I ask, Heidi's probably freaking out actually no I don't think she would be

"sure!" Matt says as we hop on the car.

"I cant wait to get a new car" I smile sitting in the passengers seat

"when are you getting one?"

"when I have the money" I sigh slouching down and closing my eyes


"I seriously need some sleep," I yawn,

"Go get some," he smiles,

"I think I will, catch ya later Mattress" I smile waving at him through the window of the car,

"Mot if I see you first Hazelnut!" Matt replies as I laugh and walk in the door.

I grab my stuff which consists of me and my largish bag and take it up stairs, I flop down on the bed and consider sleeping then realize I need a shower, I have a looonnnggg shower before changing into my black and white play suit and then head down stairs after forty minutes but that's when I hear Heidi talking.

"You can't tell her," Heidi says,

I think somebody nods but I can't see

"Promise?" she continues, and then I think there's another nod not to sure on that either,

"She's probably, at work, isn't she, so we have the whole afternoon to our selves," Heidi says loudly,

I hear a voice but it's to far away for me to make out what the person is saying,

"Some one broke in?" Heidi says panicking a bit "she'll probably be home soon? Oh crap, you have to go, hide um, oh no,"

What is she hiding, Heidi's never kept secrets from me and I've never kept secrets from he-- oh crap what if she's found out about me and Matt and she's not happy cause I didn't tell her or she's read the magazines or.. Who could that be in the room with her I have to find out.

I grab the handle on the from door and pull it open silently and slowly, I then close loudly as if to say I had just arrived. "Heidi I'm home!" I called fake cheerfully when all I could feel was fear as to who was in that room.

"Hazel!" I hear her all fake happy, I can read her like a book. "what are you doing home so early?"

"Ah the studio got robbed and they gave us the day off, fancy that a holiday on my second day!" I say pretending to place my stuff down again.

I hear a thud and decide to make this fun "what was that?" I call,

"Um- it- ah- it was just me I ran into the cupboard," she says as I walk in the door,

"Okay" I laugh,

"So?" she says awkwardly,

"We-" a sudden crash from inside the cupboard interrupts my words and I walk over to the cupboard,

"You don't want to go in there" Heidi calls after me running in front of me,

"And why not" I ask becoming quiet agitated,

"Because," she says proudly,

"Because you've got some random person in there I'm not support to know about!" I say coldly,

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