Reject Your History, Written In Stone Part 3

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I leaned back and let the wind blow against my hair. Every once in a while, I couldn't help but look who's in front of me; Yang's long and flowing hair almost got in my eyes a few times. But I still enjoyed it.

"I take a left, right?" Yang said, driving down mostly empty and night covered streets, on her motorcycle. "No. You wanna take a right." I snickered to myself.

"This is taking longer then it should," Yang muttered while yawning.

"Yeah, I know."

"'Know,' what?"

"I'm giving you the wrong directions."

"And why is that?" Yang nearly yelled. She is so cute when she's angry. "To say the least, I like sitting right behind you." I chuckled.

"You're joking, right?"


"If you're not joking, I'll break your legs."

I snickered at Yang's threat, "take a left now. You've been driving in a circle for 10 minutes." I looked at the motorcycle's side view mirror and laughed when I saw her cheeks go red.

Yang had slowly crept in front of our location; a large warehouse where dust shipments used to come in.

The only entrance that wasn't locked up, was an old, rusty, and decaying door ready to fall off of its own hinges.

I walked towards the rustic door and poked it. The following action made it collapse with a loud and deafening slam. After skipping over the fallen door I smiled, 'this keeps getting better and better.'

Yang followed behind me, as I walked into the seemingly empty warehouse. "It's quiet. Don't you think?" I walked towards the only lit up area in the whole building as the sound of my talisman rattling echoed through the warehouse. The circle of light looked like a spotlight you would see on a stage. I couldn't help but grin in an overwhelming sense of anticipation.

Before I stepped into the spotlight, I whispered to Yang, who was in the shadows; "you wanna come out when it gets fun?" Yang then nodded and walked to somewhere that I couldn't see.

Putting my hands on my hips, I impatiently tapped my foot against the old and dusty floor.

The sound of guns cocking echoed from the catwalks above me. Out of instinct, I started to dance and flip around all of the bullets coming my way in tandem with my coat and talisman violently whipping around in the air.

After minutes of dodging hot lead, the storm of bullets stopped. Even after doing my best, my coat gathered a few bullet holes around it. But even when my coat was less than fashionable, I couldn't help but let out: "yeah baby!"

The loud and obnoxious sounds of light fixtures turning on echoed through the whole warehouse. The said the lights, nearly blinded me too.

"Dante! It has been too long." An energetic voice came from the catwalks. "Roman! Still doing your hair-brained schemes?" I smiled at the man named Roman.

"Dante, how's your life?"

"Oh, you know. Still short of a million lien from being a millionaire." We both erupted in laughter; confusing all of the mercenaries who tried to shoot me from before.

Roman's tone changed faster than a man with a bipolar syndrome. "I'll let you off for injuring my men a few months back. But, I'm still pissed about you keeping me off that ice cream shop." Roman said, lighting a cigar.

"That ice cream owner is a kid."

"Dust is dust, Dante."

I scoffed a bit. "I don't give a shit. Plus you ruined my coat." Roman looked down at his feet and snickered uncontrollably. He then silently muttered; "I'm sorry Dante."

He then pointed his cane at me. "But business is business, kill him!" When Roman said that, all of his men dropped down from the catwalks and circled me.

I blanked out for a moment and stood in place, 'I'm sorry too, Roman.' A few beads of sweat ran down my forehead, as I activated my gauntlets and put my hands in the air. "Alright, let's have some fun!"

As if on cue, Yang jumped from the shadows and barreled through a few of the mercenaries, and finally stopped when she pressed her back against mine. "Hey guys, is it just me or is hot in here?" Yang cracked her knuckles with a thundering pop.

"Or is it just her?"

"Oh stop it, you're making me blush," Yang replied to my comment. "What should we do Yang?" I quickly wiped the sweat from my brow. She then ran towards all of the mercenaries, in tandem with me.

"Let's rock, baby!"


Roman and his little lap dog Neo stood before us, and all of the mercenaries limp bodies covering the floor.

"I'll get Roman if you get that little one over there," I whispered in Yang's ear, pointing towards Neo. "With pleasure!" Yang squealed, as she chased Neo further into the warehouse

Roman slowly approached me, with his back hunched over, holding a white napkin over his head.

"You would never hurt an old friend, right?" Roman tried to use his silver tongue. Just like a shyster's usual vocabulary.

"Dante, please don't." I use my gauntlets and try to burn Roman alive. But something won't let me.

"Devils never cry, right?" Roman came up to me, patting my shoulder.

"Just leave." I coldly responded.

Before Roman ran for his life, he weakly muttered: "thanks, I can always trust you."

When Roman's figure disappeared into the night, something bothersome took over mind, even more, bothersome than the sweat pouring all over my body. 'Yang is gonna break my legs for this.'

"Stylish!" Male (Dante) Reader X Yang Xiao Long - Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now