
290 12 4

108 Days Clean.

Walking into the dressing room, I felt my heart erupt into a fit of palpitations as I took in Luke's figure. He stood leaning against the back wall, one hand in his pocket and the other holding up his phone. My heart stopped in my chest when I saw what he was wearing. He was dressed in black jeans, a black V-neck and his black vans. Exactly what he was wearing in the She Looks So Perfect video. Exactly what I told Calum I loved when he wore it. His lip ring protruded from his lip as he bit down on it gently, concentrating on his phone.

Not a second later, he locked his phone and shoved it in his pocket. I looked away quickly so he wouldn't catch me staring and instead, looked at Calum. He was sitting on the couch and he too was on his phone.

The sound of a text tone could be heard in the room and that's when I realised, it was mine. Glancing around, nobody else seemed to hear it. Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I silenced it and smiled when I saw a text from Calum.

When are you going to get here?

Biting down on my lip, I decided not to text back and tell him that I was actually in the room. Instead, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and tried, at all costs, to avoid making eye contact with Luke because I knew if I did, I may very well break down crying.

"Beth!" Michael shouted loudly, finally noticing us. Beth ran straight over to Michael and wrapped her arms around him as he smashed his lips against hers. Gee, Jacey and I stood awkwardly at the door and the boys stood across the room from us, not really knowing what to do. I lowered my head and looked at my vans. It all felt surreal, to be in the same room as the guys.

Glancing up quickly, I made eye contact with Ashton and he smiled at me. I smiling back gently, I glanced at Beth and Michael just in time to see them separate.

"Finally," I heard Calum murmur, causing a short laugh to leave my lips. He stood from the couch and walked towards us, giving Beth a quick hug on his way. Ashton followed him but just shot Beth a smile, not advancing towards her.

"How've you been?" He asked her, fixing his red bandana on his head. Beth smiled at him and intertwined her fingers with Michael's.

"Amazing," she said, sounding ecstatic. Beside me, Jacey cleared her throat drawing the attention of Beth and the boys. Beth's eyes bulged and she dragged Michael towards us.

"Okay guys so, this is Georgia, Jacey and Shanley. These are the three fools I've been living with these past months," Beth said, pointing each one of us out to the boys. Smiling, I looked up just in time to make eye contact with Luke. My heart fluttered in my chest and I looked at Beth, not having the confidence to hold eye contact with him. "Girls, this is Michael, Ashton, Luke and Calum." Beth introduced us all. Jacey nodded her head beside me and I glanced up at Calum to see him watching Gee.

"Hello ladies," Ashton said jokingly, bowing down in front of us. Allowing a giggle to escape my lips. Glancing back at Calum, he was smiling softly at Gee. I was expecting him to run and give me the hug like he had threatened to do so many times. However, he stayed put.

"Hi," Michael said awkwardly, waving at us. Jacey and I replied with an awkward hey before Luke ran his fingers through his hair. I shot Beth a confused look and she gulped, looking away from me.

"What?" Michael said, catching my look at Beth. Shaking my head, I brushed my hair behind my ear and pulled the sleeves of my flannel over my hands.

"It's nothing..." I trailed off uneasy. Looking back at Calum, I saw he was already looking at me with a confused expression.

"It's me?" I stated. "Shan?" I added uncertain. The room suddenly fell silent and the only thing that could be heard was the erratic beating of my heart. Calum shook his head and shot me another confused look.

"I have no idea who you are..." He trailed off.

"We've been talking for months. You followed me on twitter, I have your number..." I explained, growing uneasy. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I swiped open his message thread and typed a message. Clicking send, I felt my heart drop as I realised something was wrong.

I locked my phone and after a moment, someone in the room received the message. Looking at all the boys, they pulled out their phones. Except for one person.


"Lee, I-I can explain," He stuttered, stepping forward and brushing his hand through his hair again anxiously. I took a step back instantly. What just happened?

"Lee, please just listen to me for a minute," Luke begged, using the nickname that Calum had for me. But it wasn't Calum, it was Luke. Glancing over at Beth, she looked at me before lowering her head.

"What..." I whispered dumbfounded. Everyone looked between Luke and I, only the girls understanding. The boys looked like they had no idea what was going on. Luke took another step forward and I felt my heart fall to the floor.

"Please don't," I said weakly, shaking my head and walking backwards towards the door. All along it was Luke. Every night that I had been crying, it was Luke who I spilled my heart out to. It was Luke that I had been talking to. It was always Luke. I turned on my heels and ran out of the room. I heard Beth shouting behind me but I refused to listen.

I had told him everything. Every detail of that night last year when he saved my life. I fangirled to him. I told him how it affected me when he dressed in black and played with his lip ring. I told him everything. For the first time in a long time, I felt betrayed. I felt like I was a little girl again who went to the doctor and got an injection, even though my mother promised it was just a check-up. I was a stupid girl who just got played.

"Shanley!" A male voice shouted behind me. Whipping around quickly, I realised it was Luke. As quick as I could, I ran into the bathroom I had walked past only an hour prior and locked myself behind a stall. I pushed down the toilet seat and sat on it, lifting my feet up. I heard the door slam open and Luke's heavy breathing entering the room.

"Please, Lee. I never meant to hurt you." He said. I heard another stall door open and then another and another. He was getting closer to my stall. "I saw you run in," he told me. Tears began streaming down my cheeks and I brought my hand up to my mouth to stop the sobs from escaping. The stall door beside me opened and then a hand made contact with my door, trying to open it.

"Found you," Luke murmured. Even though he couldn't see me, I shook my head as my heart ached in my chest. I felt so betrayed by the one person that was the only reason for my existence. It's a different type of pain than I've ever experienced before. It was what I felt before I found Luke only this time, it was intensified.

"Open the door," Luke requested quietly. I shook my head. After a minute, a sigh could be heard from the other side of the door. "I wanted to tell you, Lee." Luke began before I cut him off by placing my hands over my ears.

"Don't call me that!" I shouted, finally allowing the tears to escape and my sobs to be heard in the bathroom. I shook my head to get the sound of his voice out of my head. I could see Luke's legs walk away from in front of my stall and I hoped that maybe he left.

I listened for a moment before the sound of a toilet seat slamming could be heard beside me. Before I knew it, Luke's body was overhead, climbing into my bathroom stall. I didn't even have a chance to unlock the door and run from him again. Luke jumped down and stood between me and the door. I gaped up at him in shock.

"I need you to listen to me, Shanley." Luke said, his blue eyes gazing into my broken ones.



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