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28 Days Clean.

It was now six pm. The girls and I were sitting on the couch in the living room, eating takeout Chinese and just chatting and getting to know each other. We decided to ask each other questions and then answer them ourselves. It was awkward at first but now, it's hilarious.

Jacey had just told us about the time her mother locked her father out of the house because he forgot their anniversary. She proceeded to eat the meal she made for the two of them on her own, leaving her husband out in the blazing Mexican sun all day. It was random, true, but it was hilarious.

"So, what about boyfriends?" Gee piped up. "Anyone have one?" she stuck her chopsticks back into the white carton and picked up a steamed carrot, popping it into her mouth. Gee, we just earlier discovered, was a vegetarian.

"Never had one," I revealed embarrassed, taking a sip from my glass of water.

"Seriously?" Beth exclaimed, looking at me with her jaw wide open. Blushing, I nodded my head and placed my glass back down on the coffee table.

"I mean, I have kissed guys but I've never dated anyone." I told them truthfully, wiping my lips. It was the truth. After Hazel passed, I found it hard to trust people. I was scared they would leave me like Hazel had.

"Woah," Jacey said, looking at me like I had three heads. Shrugging, I continued to eat my noodles.

"What about you?" I asked Jacey, smirking. Jacey had very well expressed her utter hatred for men today, I wouldn't be surprised if she has never dated anyone.

"Of course I have, I'm not some... Some Irish virgin," She exclaimied disgusted, causing the girls and I to break into a fit of laughter. Gee leaned across the table and gave her a high five.

"Same here. None on my radar at the moment though, I didn't want any long distance thing while I'm here." Gee said, sitting back down beside me. We all nodded in understanding. "What about you Beth?"

"Um..." Beth said, a smile growing on her lips. The girls and I hooted, causing Beth's cheeks to flare up in a blush.

"What's his name?" Jacey asked, nudging her. I laughed at the reaction of Beth. Out of all of us, I didn't think Beth would be the one hung up with a boyfriend.

"Michael," Beth muttered, blushing. The girls and I hooted again, causing Beth to throw one of her chopsticks across the table at Gee and I. We broke into a fit of laughter.

"Annnd?" Jacey pressed on, nudging her again.

"And what?" Beth exclaimed, throwing her hands up to cover her face.

"What's he like?" I asked her, smiling. From the way she was acting, you could tell she was totally smitten with him.

"He's nice," she said vaguely, smiling to herself. Rolling my eyes, I sat back into the couch and continued to eat my noodles.

"You're such a culo," Jacey said, shaking her head. Raising my eyebrows, I decided to ask the question I'm sure is on everyone's mind.

"What does culo mean?" I asked. Beside me, Gee nodded her head.

"It's Spanish for ass," Jacey informed us, sending us all into another round of laughter. After our giggles had died down, I realised that I was really beginning to like these girls. Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea anymore.


When I walked back into my bedroom that evening, I saw that one of my pictures had fallen from the wall. Walking over to my bed, I picked it up and pushed the sticky material back against the wall. It was, I will unashamedly admit, a picture of 5 Seconds of Summer. I brought it because I just needed a sense of security. Just to have a sense of familiarity in this unknown place.

Laying back on my bed, I slipped my iPod from my pocket and plugged in the earphones. Slipping them into my ears, I pressed shuffle. Somewhere In Neverland Acoustic began to play into my ears and I smiled to myself.

Tomorrow, I would start the search for a job. It had grown too late by the time I had finished unpacking and eating with the girls. Hopefully, it'll be easy enough to get a job. If not, I'm totally screwed.

Wendy run away with me, I know I sound crazy don't you see what you do to me?

I smiled at the calming tone of Alex Gaskarth's voice. Nodding my head along to the beat gently, I listened to the end of the song and then another two before I decided to get up and go for a shower. It was now ten pm.

Gathering up my things, I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I left all of my things on the closed seat of the toilet and stripped down, walking into the cool water from the shower.

After finishing washing both myself and my hair, I exited the shower and dried myself. Putting on my clean clothes, I gathered my dirty ones and headed back into my room. I dried and straightened my hair before spraying on some deodorant. A knock on my door disturbed me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I called out, fixing my hair in the mirror. The door opened and Jacey walked in, carrying her phone.

"Hey Chicka, can you put your number in?" she asked, handing me her phone. Nodding, I typed in the digits of my new phone number and saved it. I then handed her my phone and she typed in hers.

"Thanks," I smiled at her when she handed me the phone. Jacey nodded back at me and smiled.

"I already got Beth's, so I'm going to go get Gee's." she told me, walking out of my room. Following her lead, we stopped outside Gee's door and knocked. Gee opened the door and we all exchanged numbers. I then headed to Beth's. Talking from the other side of the door caused me to stop in my tracks.

"Alright, I love you too. Bye," Beth spoke, followed by silence. Knocking on the door gently, Beth called out for me to go in.

"Will you add your number?" I asked her smiling, handing her my phone. Beth smiled at me and took the phone from my grasp, handing me her own. Sliding it unlocked, I felt my heart drop to my feet.

"You met Michael Clifford?" I blurted out, gazing at her lockscreen which was a picture of her and Michael. Michael was kissing her cheek. My eyes snapped up to meet Beth's shocked ones and my jaw hung open. Beth nodded slowly and a grin grew on my face.

"That's awesome," I breathed out. Beth smiled up at me and I added my number, saving it in the process. I handed Beth back her phone and took mine from her grasp, smiling and leaving the room.

When I returned to my room, I shut off my light and climbed into my bed. Lying on my side, I closed my eyes and let the hazy aura of sleep engulf me. But not before one thought entered my head.

Wasn't Beth's boyfriend also called Michael?

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