Chapter 9 - " what happened to the good girl image?"

Start from the beginning

What were they talking about?

As soon as I got into the car the driver drove off to the studio. Like I expected, the studio parking lot was flooded with paparazzi. What was going on? What had happened that they were suddenly chasing and hounding me?

What if they found out about Harry and I? Had Veronica told them?

Thankfully my driver walked me inside the studio so I wasn't mobbed by all the photographers. All the flashes were starting to blind me.

Luckily the building was pretty much empty. But James still wasn't there.

As I got closer to the recording studio, I could hear someone recording a song. I got to the door and just listened. It was Harry. I opened the door to see him singing into the mic and headphones by his ear.

No one else was around, so I guess he was recording himself. His eyes were closed so he couldn't see me on the other side of the glass. The lyrics he sang were beautiful. I had never heard them before which probably meant that he had written the song himself.

'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."

And your eyes look like coming home

All I know is a simple name

Everything has changed

All I know is you held the door

And you'll be mine and I'll be yours

All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

Just as he was getting the best part of the song, I tripped on cable wires and slammed my face to the floor.

" who's there?" I heard Harry called.

I quickly picked myself up to see him looking back at me.

" sorry, I tripped" I said looking down at the cable wires.

" what are you doing here?" he glared as he walked out of the booth

" James told me to come here. What are you doing here?" I glared back.

" isn't it obvious?" Harry said motioning to the booth.

Harry sat down on the chair and started looking through some papers.

" is that the new song you were recording?" I asked as I put my bag down on the couch.

" yeah, I started writing it today" Harry mumbled.

" can I see?" I asked looking at the piece of paper he was still holding.

Harry shrugged and handed me it. My eyes scanned the lyrics and my heart melted.

These lyrics were beautifully written. I had always known Harry was a good writer but this one of his best works.

" I'm a little stuck on the beginning though" he said.

" may I?" I looked up at me while holding a pencil.

He simply just shrugged accepting my help. I started writing down all the words that came to mind. That was how I'd write songs. Words would just pop up and then I'd just organize them to make sense.

" how about this?" I said before I sang the lyrics I had written.

All I knew this morning when I woke

Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before.

And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago

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