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When we got back to the meadow and to the house, I laid down on the grass a few meters away from the porch.

I was still in my eight-legged equine form.

Pietro had walked past Wanda and I and had gone inside to show them the arrow and tell them what he'd found.

Wanda saw my back more clearly after I'd laid down, it was still covered in claw and toothmarks from the tan cat, as well as welts from the whip in Asgard.

She also noticed the arrow's puncture that still showed on my flank, "Does it hurt?" she asked, putting her hand near the wound.

I shook my head; it didn't hurt as much as it had, but it still hurt a bit.

I turned my neck so I could look at her.

"Why did you not say you were still hurt? We could have healed you earlier,".

I laid my head down on the grass, my legs were curled up into my side.
After a few minutes of Wanda poking at my various wounds, everyone started coming out of the house.

Bruce kneeled by my side to look at my wounds as Wanda had, "How long have these been here? The puncture, as well as some of the bites, need stitches and the welts and scratches look like they're in the first stages of infection,".

Clint answered for me, "The scratches and bites have been there since the day before we got here. I don't know about the arrow, but it was just before she left Asgard,".

My head was still on the grass.

Pietro and Wanda were on their knees by my head.

"Are you too weak to stand or are you just preferring to lay down?" Bruce asked.

I moved my legs beneath me, slowly rising to my feet.

Collected (Avengers Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora