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It was early, hours before dawn when they came to get me.

They gave me a wake-up call with the whip; I'd see a lot more of it throughout the day, I always did.

I reared on my four hind legs, having eight legs total. I'm not a spider before you suggest it, I am a horse.
When I was back on eight legs, they started putting the harness and bridle on me before they led me to the wagon.

The stable-master attatched the harness to the wagon and gave the reins to the man who was going to use me for the day.

It was the baker, I hated it when he used me.

"Good to go," the stable master assured him before he headed back inside.

The baker pulled himself onto the wagon before popping me with the whip as a signal to move.

I took a deep breath before I started off, allowing the baker to steer me where he wished.
I had been working for almost six hours, without any breaks or water, it wasn't unusual though.

I had been carrying wagon full after wagon full of flour and other ingredients.

There were two wagons, so when I brought an empty one, a full one was ready to take its place.

My back ached and throbbed, it only got worse as the day went on, but I'd been working jobs like this for almost a decade. Before that I was just a rentable for children.

All I wanted was to be with my father again.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the whip cracking down on my back, breaking another sliver of skin to add to the cuts and scars that were already there.

I wanted to shift into my Aesir form, but the stable-master beat me every night after he'd force me to shift; it kept me from running away.

My Aesir form and my horse form kept their injuries seperate, my horse form wasn't in nearly as much pain as my Aesir form, so this is the form I prefer.

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