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Hi guys!!

Thank you so much for reading this book!! It means so much to have actual human beings reading something a simple, 12 year old girl wrote.

I will be taking a break from this, series? ;)  to write a fanfic related to Hamilton. A Daveed fic because ya know Daveed's hot, Anthony's hot, Oak's hot, everyone's so hot.

This book has been a great experience. I love y'all and there will be a sequel, probably will be out when the Daveed book finishes.

There will be a sequel no matter what. I guarantee that and I don't have a planned date for when it will go up but I know it will be in the future.

Thank you all so so so much for sharing this amazing experience with me.

For the sequel, I might get really bored and start to write it really soon but I'm not sure. So be ready at an time:)

Thank you sooooooo much. Love y'all


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