Chpt 19

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Back in New York.

Cameron's POV
"Ant, baby, I told Renee a while back that we would babysit and that just so happens to be tonight." I smile.
He smiles back instantly. "Okay!" He beams. "Oh my god, that was adorable." I squeal.
He smiles and hugs me. I lay my lips on his forehead and smile. His heads in my shoulder. "You smell so good." He says. I lift his head up and kiss him.
Suddenly, there's a knock on the door and Anthony rushes off to open it. My body immediately goes cold.
Renee stood there with her son, Benjamin, and her husband, Alexis. "Hi Renee! Hi Alexis! Hi Ben!" I finish crouching to his level and smiling at him.
"Thank you guys so much!! No PDA though." She scolds. I look at Anthony and him and I shrug at the same time.
        "Bye Ben. Mommy and daddy love you. Bye guys. Hurt my kid, I'll hurt you." She threatens. I put my hands up and smile.
"He's in good hands." I wink. I used to babysit when I was younger. They leave and I shut the door smiling at Ben and Anthony already playing with Lego's.
"Whatcha guys making?" I ask. "A truck!" Ben smiles. "Awesome!" I high five both of them.

3 hours later

"Thank you, my kids still whole and looks like he had fun!" Renee smiles. "Here's the money." Alexis says.
I push his hand away and shake my head. "Nope, no need. We had fun. No money needed." Anthony smiles completing my thought.
"Bye!" They say as they leave. Anthony and I wave in silence. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you too." He whispers back before kissing me.

Cute way to end the chapter.

So I found the perfect person to play Cameron and I'm literally so excited. It's Madison Beer. I will start to put the cast thing at the bottom of every chapter. Also, I will most likely add a picture of her on top of every chapter.

I actually don't know how to do that so could someone help me do that? By like direct messaging me, please?

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