Chpt 10

765 4 0

Cameron's POV
I wake up in a white room. I look down and I'm in a hospital gown. There's an IV in my arm and a breathing thing over my nose and mouth. There's a pain in my chest. I can't really remember what happened exactly. I lift my head up a squint at the light. I see a figure breathing rather steadily. Anthony. ITS ANTHONY!!!!!
"Anthony?" I ask. He jolts awake. "Cameron!!! Your...........your awake!!!!!" He exclaims. I smile.
"I am. How long have I been out?" I ask. "A week or so." He answers. I gasp but then start coughing.
"You had some type of food that had your one of your allergies in it."  He says. "Oh." I say.
      Anthony suddenly hugs me. "I'm so sorry." He whispers. "For what?" I ask. "For going on that date and then ignoring you. I'm so so so so so sorry." He says.
      "It's okay Anthony. But I'm gonna probably regret this." I say before I smash my lips onto his. He's shocked at first then kisses back. Sparks. Fireworks. Everywhere.
      Somebody clears their throat and we break apart. It's Daveed and Oak. "Daveed!!!! Oak!!!!" I squeal and they run over and attack me in a hug. We break apart and Renee rushes over to me.
     She hugs me then quickly breaks apart and puts her hands on my cheeks. "Are you okay? How are you feeling? What's wrong? Please be okay!" She said. I laughed.
      "I'm wonderful. A little sore in the chest. I swear I am okay." I smile which makes her smile. "Pippa was gonna come but she had a last minute thing." She said hugging me again. "Anthony was the only one who stayed through it all. We all went to our shows except him. He really cares about you kid." She whispers.
      I blush. My cheeks going a deep burgundy.  A nurse walks in and smiles at me. "Hello, so you should be able to go home as soon as your husband signs these papers." Husband? Anthony stands up and grabs the papers.
      "Thank you." He smiles. Anthony my husband. Sounds like a dream. I smile dreamily.
     "You okay there Juliet?" Daveed asks. "Hm?" I hum questionably. He just smiles and winks at me. I stick my tongue out at him.
      "So I take it you posed as my husband so you could stay with me?" I ask. He blushes and nods. Aww he's being shy.
      "Anthony there's no need to be shy. We made up and kissed." I blurt. Renee looks at me shocked. I put my hands over my mouth as Daveed, Oak, and Anthony busted up laughing.
     "Well then, yes everyone, we did kiss. And I enjoyed it." I muttered the last part. "What was the last part?" Oak asks. I shoot him a glare.
      "Nothing." I smile a sickening sweet smile. Daveed and Oak bust up laughing and I join them.  Anthony's blushing like crazy. And Renee just looks confused as hell. It's really a funny site.
      "Let's get out of here." Anthony says. But I'm still in my bed practically naked under a sheet.
       "Umm...." I say motioning to my body. The boys blush a deep shade of red and nod. They exit leaving Renee and I alone.
       "What's going on with you and him?" She asked pointing at Anthony. I blushed.  "I'm not sure, actually." I answer truthfully. She raises an eyebrow. I put my hands up in defense.
    "Seriously!" I smile. She laughs and hands me my clothes. " change." I say. "Oh yeah!! I'll be right outside if you need me!" She smiled and I grabbed my under garments and put them on in the bed. I got up and slid my pants on. So I was only in a bra and my leggings.
      Just then I went and looked at myself in the mirror. Scarves over my stomach. God I'm so ugly. I hate myself. So did my parents. And everyone else in that town. That's why I got the hell out of that damn place.
     The only person who ever loved me were my grandparents. They believed in me. But in my sophomore year of college they were killed by a drunk driver. My roommate kept trying to talk to me but I wouldn't say anything.
      My roommate was so nice. She was so understanding after I told her what happened. She held me and let me cry in her arms. I still keep in touch with her. We have coffee every two weeks. She's like my sister.
      I didn't realize I was just staring into the mirror until someone cleared their throat. It was Anthony. I quickly grabbed my sweatshirt and threw it on.
      "What were those scars on your stomach?" He asks with tears in his eyes. "Were....were they........did you really?" He asks. I nod starting to cry. "Why? Your so beautiful, why would you do that?" He asks. I keep crying.
       "I hated myself so much. My family hated me. I started cutting myself. It made me feel better. Like I didn't deserve to be on this earth. In college, I tried to commit suicide. But my roommate found me before I could. I hated myself so much Anthony, I thought you hated me too so I recently did it again." I say. He runs over and pulls me into his lap.
       "I could never hate you baby girl, you know that right? I love you too much to be able to hate you." He says. I gasp. He loves me. I love him.
       "I love you too Anthony." I smile connecting our lips. We move perfectly in sync with each other. We break apart and smile at each other shyly. Man this dude is freaking perfect.
"Awwww!!" We hear. I look up and see Renee, Daveed, and Oak smiling at us.
"Shut up." I say while blushing. I look towards Anthony and his cheeks are a burgundy color. So cute.

(1006) words.
*mentally high fives myself*

Ramos/// a Anthony Ramos fanfic. [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora