Chpt 21

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Anthony's POV
I went on a run this morning if you need me just call or text. Love you!!
Yours truly,

God she's great. I pull up Instagram and post a picture of her.

@anthony_ramos_nyc- can you believe my girl is 23 today? Neither can I

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@anthony_ramos_nyc- can you believe my girl is 23 today? Neither can I. I love you more and than anything in the world. Have the best day you could
Tagged👥: @cameron

There was a knock on the door and I went up to it and answered. It was Elena. "Hi Anthony!" She smirks.
"How'd you find where I live?" I ask. "Research." She says simply. "Stay away from me and get out." I demand.
She smirks then leans forward to kiss me. I step back but I wasn't quick enough and her lips met mine and I cringed. I tried to pull away but she wouldn't let me. She made it look like I kissed her back.
Suddenly, we heard a gasp and she broke from me. I was shaking. There stood Cameron shaking as tears streamed down her face.
"How could you? And on my birthday?" She laughs coldly. "Same as everyone. I'm not lovable. I'm too naïve aren't I?" I shook my head. She laughed again.
"Get out." She orders. "No wa-" I start. "Don't." She snaps. I listen and get out with Elena.
"Get the fuck away from me." I growl at her. She nods and leaves me to walk to the Richard Rogers.
I get there and Lin's the only there. I walk to him and fall into his arms crying. "What's wrong Ant?" He asks.
"Elena came back and kissed me and made it look like I kissed her back but I didn't and Cameron saw. But I didn't mean to. She kissed me. Not the other way." I cry.
"Anthony Ramos Martinez!!" Lin scolds. "I'm sorry." I cry. "Imagine what Cameron's like right now!!" I sigh. My poor girl. I miss her.

Cameron's POV
I walked into the elevator and got up to floor 6, my floor. I saw the door slightly ajar. I walked closer and saw the literal worst thing. A girl kissing Anthony. And he was kissing back.
I started to shake and cry. "How could you? And on my birthday?" I laugh. My whole body immediately goes numb. "Same as everyone. I'm not lovable. I'm too naïve aren't I?" I laugh again.
"Get out." I order. "No wa-" Anthony starts. "Don't." I snap. He and the girl walk out. I shut the door and fall onto the floor shaking. No tears come out. Just shaking.
"Hey Jazz, I need you, Pip, Renee, Daveed, Oak, and Thayne over here now. Please!" I hang up before she can answer and around 10 minutes later, they arrive.
"Oh my god, what happened?" Oak says. Renee and Pip put there's arms around me as Jasmine gets ice cream.
       They pull me to the couch and hold me in their arms. "What happened honey?" Renee says causing me to shake harder.
       "A-a-Anthony c-ch-cheated on me." I shake. "What!?" Pippa growls. I've never seen her this mad. "How could he?" Jazzy growls.
       Renee held me while they talked amongst themselves. "Daveed, Oak, Thayne you are to comfort her." Jazzy says.
       They nod as I'm quickly placed in somebody else's arms. I'm shaking so much by now. "No." I manage to get out.
       "Let's just get to the show." I smile. It was emotionless but it was necessary. "Okay." We al then walk out of the door.
        I felt empty inside. Like I was hollow. I couldn't feel any emotions. It was coming back. The depression.
        I call my old roommate, Julia. "Hi." I whisper. "Happy birthday girly!!" She smiles. "Julia the depressions coming back. I feel numb. Hollow. I can't feel any emotions right now." I sigh.
"Okay, I'll be in New York soon. I was gonna surprise you but it can wait. I'm seeing Hamilton tonight and you preform!" I can hear her smile. I felt a twang of excitement hit me.
"Julia, I just felt excitement. I'm so excited. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!" I squeal. "Anytime. I'll see you soon!!" She smiles.
"Hey (security guys name?) I have a friend coming later her names Julia. She's allowed to come backstage!!" I smile.
         "Okay ma'am." He smiles. I walk into the theater and smile. A real smile. I love my family. Even if their not my actual family.
         Part of me wants to run up to Anthony and jump in his arms and shower him with kisses and just forgive him but the rest of me fights the feeling.
          "CAMERON!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Lin yells causing me to flinch and smile. "Thank you Lin!!" I smile. "The big 2 3!!" He smacks his lips together awkwardly.
          "Lin my friend from college is coming in is it okay if she hangs backstage with me after the show?" I ask.
He nods and I smile.

Right before the show

"Julia!!" I squeal. I run to her while she runs to me. "Cammy!!" We join in a hug. "Lets go backstage!" I smile.
"So, how's life treating you. I mean you got the perfect guy, perfect job, perfect life!" Julia says. I frown. "Well, my guy cheated on me. I work with him but overall I love my job and I have anything far from a perfect life. What about you?" I smile sadly.
She engulfs me in a hug. "I'm so sorry." She says. "It's not your fault." I smile. "But enough about me, how about you? How's your life?" I ask.
"Really good. I've got my degree. I'm working for a magazine company and I take pictures so I travel a lot. But I stay in California most the time." She smiles.
"That's great Jules!!" I smile. "I gotta get on stage but I'll see you soon!!" I smile. She waves then opens her phone.

Julia's POV
When Cameron was on stage, a man that I recognized as her boyfriend came in. "I never meant to cheat on her. I need your help getting her back." He says.
"Okay, but she loves you so you break her. I break you." I simply say. We then plan for him to get her back but he's keeping it a secret.


Cameron's POV
"Jules, I want you to meet some people!" I say ushering her out of my room. "Daveed, Okieriete, I have someone I want you to meet." I shout at the top of my lungs.
"Okay!" They respond. I follow their voice and find them in their dressing room with Anthony. I look at the ground but catch Julia and Anthony making eye contact.
"Who's this?" Oak asks. "My roommate/best friend, Julia." I introduce. "Hi." Daveed whispers. I make eye contact with Oak and we mouth I ship it then bust up laughing.
Oak and I are rolling on the ground laughing before we get our five minute call. Oak and I make eye contact and say, "Shit."
         I quickly scrape myself off they ground and sprint to my dressing room. I'm not in the first song back but I should probably get ready. I get back to my dressing room leaving Julia with Jazzy.
I put on my corset, memories of Anthony flooding my head. I shake them out before I put on my red Maria Reynolds dress. By the time I'm done with my makeup it's my time to go onstage.
"I know you are a man of honor and I'm so sorry to bother you at home but I don't know where to go and I came here all alone." I sing. The only thing on my mind is Anthony. It's always Anthony.
"My husbands do me wrong. Beatin me. Cheatin me. Mistreatin me. Suddenly he's up and gone. I don't have the means to go on." I string my voice out. My throat hurts from all the shaking and crying and sighing and being let down.
"If you pay you can staaaaayyyyyyy." I finally sing. It felt good to have all this pressure be lifted off of me. By now, tears were streaming down my face. I was shaking but I still sang my parts with tears streaming down my face.
I walk off the stage as Leslie walks onto it. I walk straight to Renee's room and collapse on her couch. I was shaking harder than ever. Tears were streaming down my face. I've known this feeling before. This was an anxiety attack.
My vision went blurry and I'll I could hear was a faint beeping noise. My breathing got heavy. "Cameron!!" Jazzy exclaims running toward me. She pulled me into her arms and my breathing steadied.
"It's almost the Reynolds Pamphlet, we were looking for you and couldn't find ya." She smiles. I smile back. "Are you better now?" She asks. I nod my head, not being able to find my voice.
"Alright go get on that stage!" She smiles. She's so nice and I'm glad I have her in my life. I walk to the wings and wait patiently.
The Reynolds Pamphlet.
I strut onto the stage when it's my cue. I stand behind Lin, deep in my own thoughts. When it's time for me to get off stage I strut off again.

(1557) words
Long drama filled chapter.

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