Chpt 29

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Cameron's outfit

Cameron's POV
"No stripers. I love you have fun." I smile at Anthony while he leaves to go have his bachelor party.
"I love you too. And no stripers for you either." He smiles back. I laugh and then hug him.
"A week. Then I get to call you my wife." He whispers. I smile into his hair. He then breaks the hug, shoots me a smile, and then leaves with the boys.
I call Pippa because she's helping to plan my bachelorette party. "What do I need to wear?" I ask. I can hear her smile which makes me smile.
"Something cute but comfortable. Alright I gotta go. See you soon." She then hangs up. I walk to my bedroom and pull out a black skirt with a tank, cropped camouflage top.
I put on big hoop earrings, two necklaces and a big bracelet. I then do my makeup as a small smokey eye, I do my eyebrows but only to make them stand out, and I do my mascara to make my eyes pop.
"Done!" I speak aloud. I was the only one here but that didn't stop me from talking to myself. (This is so me).
I lock up the apartment then ride over to Jazzy's house. They decided to have it there because, well, I'm not exactly sure why.
I turn on Broadway radio because why not? And Dear Evan Hansen comes on. "Yeeesssss!!" I speak aloud.

So you found a place where the grass is greener
And you jumped the fence to the other side.
Is it good?
Are they giving you a world I could never provide?

(Skip to chorus)

So you got what you always wanted
So you got your dream come true
Good for you
Good for you, you, you
Got a taste with a life so perfect
So you did what you have to do
Good for you
Good for you

As soon as the song ends I pull into Jazzy's driveway. I brace myself for a headache and worse, if it comes to it.
I walk inside and the house is silent. "Oh my god it's not a surprise party." I roll my eyes laughing. Everyone comes out.

No idea what happens at bachelorette nor bachelor parties. So we just gonna skip over em

After the parties.

I walk back into the apartment after a long, loud party. Anthony's sitting in the kitchen singing.
"I was told that a life has no price you see." He sings.
"But the hate in your eyes put a price on me." I sing back. He turns around to look at me and smiles.
"God, why are you so beautiful? And how did I get you to be mine?" He asks. A blush creeps up on my face as I hide it in his neck.
"What're we gonna name our kids?" I ask.
      "Have you put any thought into it?" He asks back.
"A little. I want two boys and a girl. The girl would probably be Melanie Hayden." I start.
"I like that!" He smiles. "Ryan Joshua." I smile. He nods his head still smiling.
"And Aidan Caleb." He smiles before pulling me into kiss him.
     "I love you so so much." He says.
"I love you more." I smile.
"That's impossible." He smiles back.

(561) words.

Let's take a break tonight. And that'll teach me how to say goodbye. Say goodbye.

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