Chpt 7

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Cameron on opening night after party^^^^^

Cameron's POV
Holy shit. Holy shit. It was happening. Opening night on broadway. I feel pumped up and energetic.
"Cameron your on next." The stage director tells me. I decided not to help behind the scenes because that would be a lot of running around.

"In the greatest city in the worrrllllddd. In the world!" We finish pumping our fists in the air. The audience applauding us. We walk back stage swaying our hips dramatically staying in character.
"Nice job Lorrings!!" Renee says high fiving me. I laugh. "Thanks you too!!" I smile. Daveed and Oak run to me.
"Good job we gotta be on stage but nice job!!" They say running to their places. I laugh.

Act 2 (say no to this)

"If you pay you can staaaaaayyyyyyy." I hold out the adrenaline in my body is rushing and I continue to sing my parts.

Time skip; end of the play

We all walk out hand in hand lining up and bowing.
"I would like to thank everyone for coming. I hope you had a wonderful night and we will see you tomorrow." Lin smiles walking off the stage.

    "Very nice. Get dressed we have to go walk the hell out of that red carpet!!" Lin laughs.
     I walk to my dressing room and grab my makeup, dress, and hair stuff placing it on the counter. 
     The dress is a pale blue cropped at the waist, strapped dress (picture above).  I did a light smokey eye and curled my hair slightly.
    "Perfect." I smile and walk out the doors knocking on Daveed's dressing room door. A sharp looking Daveed Diggs opens it.
    "Damn, Diggs you lookin fire!!" I exclaim. He blushes. "Awww, stop it." He smiles. "You don't look too bad yourself, Cameron." Oak says coming up behind him in a slicked back black suit with a red tie that said in all caps HERCULES MULLIGAN.
"I love your tie." I laugh. "Thanks." He says. Daveed was wearing a blue suit with a purple shirt under it. "Daveed, you look very colorful!" I laugh.
We start walking out of the Richard Rogers to our ride. "So Cam, you taking anyone as your plus one?" Oak asks nudging my shoulder. "Nope. You guys?" I ask. "Yeah we're both bringing our girls." Daveed smiles. Awwww. I want so,done to talk about me the way Oak and Daveed talk about their girls.
My phone buzzes and I pull it out. Kyle. "Hi, are you busy tonight?" I ask. "Nah, what's up?" He asks. "You got yourself a nice suit?" I ask. "Yeah why?" He asks. "Can you be my plus one to the event I'm going to. I want to get to know you better." I smile. "Sure! Bye!" He smiles hanging up.
"I got myself a plus one!" I laugh. They both look at me shocked. "My friend I met at the hospital he's a gentle man. He helped me not jump off the roof." I mumble the last part.
"Wait!! WHAT!?!?" Daveed shouts. Fuck. "You were gonna jump off the roof Caneron!? And you didn't tell us!?!?" Oak shouts. "I'm sorry. I didn't tell anyone. He helped me not fall or jump or whatever. We talked for awhile and I told him about why I was here and shit. We got to know each other a little bit. I'm sorry." I cried. I didn't cry I just dry sighed and laughed nervously.
Daveed and Oak slid over to where I was sitting and hugged me. "I'm sorry guys." I sigh. "It's okay, Cam." Daveed and Oak say in unison. We all laugh together. Tonight's gonna be a good night.

Word count (616)

Continued in next chapter.

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