Chpt 17

477 6 3

Cameron's POV
         Anthony and I decided we would leave on the earlier flight instead of with the cast so that's where we are right now.
        Anthony got up to use the restroom and I pulled up my Wattpad account to read a story on Anthony and I.
        It's actually good and pure fluff. You see, before I was on Hamilton I used to write and read stories on my account. Now I just rarely write and more tan often read. When I can't sleep I always read to calm myself down.
      "What're you reading?" Anthony whispers. I blush and turn my phone off really quickly.
      "Nothing!" I lie. He raises an eyebrow at me then relaxes back into his seat. "Passengers we will be landing in 10 minutes. Please fasten your seat belts and get to your seats." The lady over the speaker says.

10 minutes later

As we step out of the plane a wave of heat comes towards me, causing me to overheat quickly in my sweatshirt and sweatpants.
"Where the fuck are we?" I ask. "Wow slow down there hot mama. I need you to put this on." He says handing me a blindfold.
      "This just gets shadier and shadier." I scowl. He laughs causing me to roll my eyes. "Don't you trust me?" He asks.
       "Fine." I say. He ties the blindfold over my eyes and takes my hand with one hand and my elbow with the other.
He sits me down and let's go of me. "Ima go get our bags you stay put." He says kissing my forehead causing me to blush and smile.
       About 5 minutes later, a pair of lips met my neck and I smiled. "Hey Ant." I smile smelling an unfamiliar scent.
      "Baby girl, I don't know what you talking bout but I ain't Ant." The guy says. I panic and scream. "Help!" I scream peeling off the blindfold.
       Anthony comes running and pulls me into a quick hug. "Stay away from her." He growls. If I didn't know how much of a softie he is, then I would've been scared.
      The dude was kinda tall and had white-blonde hair that stuck up. I immediately recognized him from YouTube, his name was Jake Paul. Gross.
      "Bro, relax it was a dare. But don't leave your girl unattended, she's got a nice bod, someone might steal her." He laughs.
      "Stay the fu-" Anthony starts but I cut him off. "I got it Ant." I smile at him before taking a deep breath and continuing. "You literally just sucked on my neck leaving marks all over my neck for a stupid dare. I had a fucking blindfold on, so you decide to take advantage and basically sexually assault me. Congrati-fucking-lations." I smile and push him grabbing my bag and Anthony's arm to pull him out of the airport.
       "Baby girl, that was awesome!!! You were like.....BANG...... And he was like......AHHH...... And I was like....whoa my girl is so fucking hot when she's angry!!!! That was so AWESOME!!!" He smiles.
       "Well anyway, where are we?" I ask looking around. "Welcome to...............

Cliffhanger 😊

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