Chpt 5

690 7 0

Cameron ^^^^
Time skipppppppp (6 months later)

Cameron's POV
     "One. Two. Three. Four." Alex counts.

There's nothing like summer in the city
Someone under stress meets someone lookin pretty
There's trouble in the air you can smell it
And Alexander's by himself
I'll let him tell it

I hadn't slept in a week
I was weak I was awake
You've never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a break
Longing for Angelica. Missing my wife.
That's when miss Maria Reynolds walked into my life
She said:

I know you are a man of honor
I'm so sorry to bother you at home
But I don't know where to go, and I came here
All alone.....

She said:

My husbands doin me wrong
Beatin me, cheatin me, mistreatin me...
Suddenly he's up and gone
I don't have the means to go on

So I offered her a loan, I offered to walk her home,
She said

You're to kind sir

I gave her thirty bucks that I had stocked away
She lived a block away, she said;

This ones mine sir

(Time skip in the song)

I hid the letter and I raced to her place
Screamed "how could you?!" In her face
She said:

No, sir

Half dressed, apologetic. A mess she looked
Pathetic, she cried:

Please don't go sir

So was your whole story a set up?

I don't know about any letter

Stop crying
Goddamnit, get up!

I didn't know any better

(Another skip)

If you pay you can staaaaaaayyyyyyy

     "Nice job Cameron!" Lin smiles high fiving me. Daveed and Oak walk up to me they look pissed. "Yo, what's got you guys so down?" I laugh.
      "Cameron what's wrong?" Daveed asks concerned. "What do ya mean?" I ask the mood going down a little bit.
    "What the fuck Cameron? Are you serious?" Oak yells getting everyone's attention. "What'd I do? Stop yelling at me." I shout back at them. I honestly had no idea what they were talking about.

[Edit: I actually didn't know what they a were going to be mad about so I just didn't think about it]

      "God your such a mistake!!!" Daveed yells. My eyes water up and I pick my water up and take a deep breath.

"I quit."

     I walk to my dressing room and clear my stuff up. Eventually someone comes in to help me. I'm not sure who but it wasn't Oak or Daveed. I thought they were nice.

I thought they were my friends.

Word count (414)

What're Daveed and Oak mad at Cameron for. I guess you'll just have to read to find out.

Ramos/// a Anthony Ramos fanfic. [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu