"I'm so happy for you," She told her, pecking her lips softly. "Congratulations angel."

"Y'all are gonna make me cry. Stop!" Normani shouted through giggles.

"Come here," Lauren opened one of her arms and her two friends joined the embrace, the four of them holding each other tightly.

"You've probably heard this from like ten different people but I'm really proud of you," Normani said sincerely before joking, "and it best mean the most coming from me 'cause I've seen you go through the most shit."

"It's crazy. I can't believe the girl who used to help me with my homework is a college graduate," Dinah added.

"Oh my god, don't. You're making me cry!" Lauren exclaimed softly, bringing up her hand to wipe her cheels. Camila smiled up at her, rubbing her thumb over her neck and Lauren returned it gratefully. "I couldn't have done it without any of you. You're the best friends and girlfriend anyone could ask for. I'm so thankful for you."

"No, don't you dare say shit that will make me cry Lauren," Normani warned, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Sorry," Lauren said playfully as she wiped Camila's damp cheeks, "I love you all so much."

"I love you too," Dinah replied instantly, accepting the kiss that the older girl placed on her cheek. She quickly pressed one to Normani's too before pecking Camila's lips.

Someone brought her in for another embrace which quickly started another group hug.

"Mani already cried earlier," Dinah murmured, causing everyone to let out watery laughs.

"Fuck off, Dinah."

They pulled away, all wiping their tears and blinking rapidly as they tried their best too look presentable for their photo that Chris offered to take for them: their arms wrapped around each other and bright smiles and sparkling eyes.

Camila put it in their scrapbook the next day as a hungover Lauren slept on her lap and yeah, life was pretty fucking perfect.

They had their first big fight a few months later and it was all tears and shouting and unmeant name calling.

Lauren had just gotten a job at an art gallery and she was living her dream because 'oh my god Camz, they're letting me show my art there and real people are going to see it'. Meanwhile, Camila was still in college and as much as she was proud of Lauren for doing so well, her course was hard and whilst the older girl was able to go out with friends and family, she spent most of her time studying.

It happened after Camila found out that she'd failed a test, not an important one but a test all the same, and had finally gotten home to find Lauren beaming because she'd just finished a new painting that she's been working on for weeks.

"Come see it!" She said eagerly, her face earnest and proud.

"In a minute. I've just got in," Camila dropped her bag on the floor, kicking her shoes off at the same time.

"It's my favourite piece I've ever done. I can't wait for you to see," Lauren chirped excitedly, not picking up on her girlfriend's bad mood.

She continued to talk insistently the entire time Camila ate a snack, receiving only hums of agreement as responses.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" Lauren blinked innocently after a while, tilting her head to the side.

Possession ➸ CamrenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz