Chapter Fourteen

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Two days had gone by, since Tsuki had been confined to her room. Yuki stayed with her to keep her company and Kabuto brought her meals and was kind enough to offer her sedatives, though she refused them. Orochimaru's pain had become unbearable, so much so that she eventually lost consciousness from the residual effects of their link unable to endure the pain herself.

Tsuki woke with a start as the door of her cell opened. The pain had subsided, her arms no longer itched from the residual pain through her link to Orochimaru. He'd found some way to heal himself, though she had no idea how. Groggily she lifted her head as she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. She'd collapsed on the floor from the pain with Yuki curled up in the crook of her neck.

Strong arms encircled her, sweeping her off the floor and cradling her in a tender embrace. She gasped as she glanced upward and met a pair of lethal reptilian golden green eyes. "O-Orochimaru-sama?"

"Troublesome child." He sighed, but there was the faintest hint of a smile in his snake like eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked worried as she attempted to struggle out of his hold to support herself, but she met resistance and stayed put.

"I put you through quite the ordeal..." He noted somewhat remorsefully as his gaze fell to the dark circles beneath her colorless eyes and the sickly pallor to her skin. It was his way of apologizing.

"I-I'm okay." Tsuki stuttered and bit her lip as she thought back on the night she'd offered herself to him, to heal him, it would have worked, he wouldn't have had to endure such pain. "I-it would have worked... why didn't you-?" She cut off with a squeak as his piercing gaze met her colorless eyes, he looked livid.

His gaze softened after a moment as they made it to his private quarters, "I know it would have..." He admitted.

"So why didn't you-?" Her cheeks burned too embarrassed to finish her sentence.

"You were terrified."

Tsuki felt her heart skip a beat in her chest, "W-what?"

"You looked scared." Orochimaru shrugged as he stepped into the bathroom.

Tsuki felt her breath hitch in her throat, the bathroom was aglow with candles. The oversized tub was filled with steaming water and littered with suds and bubbles that threatened to spill over the sides. What was going on?

"Orochimaru-sama?" Tsuki squeaked as he gently set her on her feet.

His hand clapped down atop her head affectionately, "Relax and stay put for today." He was just changing the size and location of her cell, she was still imprisoned. A song bird in an illustrious cage of luxury was still a prisoner.

Tsuki bit her lip as she stared down at the crescent shaped mark seared into her palm. She had no right to complain, for she too had imprisoned him. "I understand."

His snakelike eyes looked down at her as she suddenly turned morose. "If you behave, we can go outside tonight."

Her colorless eyes flit upward meeting his gaze and he felt a strange fluttering sensation at the desolate look revealed within. She looked defeated. Rejection, loneliness and hopelessness all swirled together in her colorless eyes, if he hadn't spent the last few years studying her, he'd never have noticed. His promises of temporary freedom, were losing their effect. He'd caged her for too long.


Those bleak colorless eyes held his gaze, unflinching and devoid of any of her usual light. He'd always marveled at how she'd been through so much yet remained unwavering and strong, but his rejection, his refusal to use her for his own means had broken her. Orochimaru stared down at the hollow shell of the girl who'd been his faithful and bright companion over the years.

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