Shattered (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"The Ancient Ones couldn't have chosen someone a little less complicated to find?" Kailu complained.

Not one of them disagreed to the sentiment, but all surfaced from below the deck to join the fight.

Then suddenly everything happened at once. A pair of pirates that had been lying in wait appeared at either side as they came up the stairs to the deck. One seized Yunara's arms from behind, roughly putting them behind her back, a scratchy rope being pulled tightly around her wrists until they chafed. She couldn't use her water without her hands. She was helpless.

To her sides, Manuel and Kailu were captured along with her, their arms forced behind their backs and their weapons taken from them. The taste of dirty cloth invaded Yunara's senses as a rag was forced into her mouth and tied around her head.

The pirates laughed and mocked them in Italian, as all around them, youssef's crew was losing. The Italians outnumbered the Moroccans, holding them at gunpoint. The sound of fighting still went out, but it was fruitless. A thud went out as someone kicked down the door to Youssef's office from the inside, laughing as Youssef stumbled out, tied up and gagged. As quickly as the raid started, it was over.

All of Youssef's crew was lined up at the deck, and the pirates stood around as finally their their captain boarded the ship.

Luca Valentini sized them all up with a sly smirk on his face. He was definitely the captain by how the crew parted for him when he entered, his demeanour demanding respect. He couldn't have been a day over 25. He wore a clean white blouse that he wore tucked into his black trousers. A sword and a pistol hung at his belt, his boots clicking against the floor as he evaluated them with smug satisfaction. His olive skin was tanned, and his wavy charcoal hair reached his shoulders, parted in the middle and tucked behind his ears.

He had an exchange with his comrades in their native tongue, then turned to Youssef's crew with displeasure twisting his face. He made comments to them, though no one understood what he was saying.

Valentini strode up to Youssef and took the gag from his mouth. Yunara could at least tell that he had switched to Spanish. Youssef spat in his face in response, receiving a swift punch to the gut for it.

Valentini cantered over to Yunara, leaving Youssef doubled over behind him, looking at her up and down, Yunara feeling her face flush as she felt him look her over a few more times before speaking. He said something to her in Spanish, as he took the gag from her mouth. But she didn't understand what was being said to her at all. Yunara simply shrugged, not knowing what else to do.

"No hablas español?" Valentini asked.

Yunara shook her head.

"Que habla usted?" What did she speak, Yunara understood.

"Ingles," she responded as best she could.

"Ah. And what is a delicate flower like you doing so far from home?" he asked with almost no accent.

"You speak English," Yunara said, astounded.

"What can I say? I have many talents. I speak 5 different languages fluently, English being one of them. But patience, you see, has never been one of my strong suits," he said, his tone turning more serious. "I tried asking that oaf over there, you saw how he answered me. But maybe you'll be more of help. Why would a ship this pathetic dare to trespass my waters? I've met Youssef before. He's escaped me multiple times by the skin of his teeth, and he knows me well. He knows better than anyone to come here, so why did he do it? Perhaps you'll illuminate the mystery for me. What exactly are you doing here?"

Youssef sent a look in her direction. Now was the time, though Yunara had no idea what to say. They were talking with Valentini at least, though not under the circumstances she'd have wanted. But would he believe what she had to say? Lorenn said that the Ancient Ones had already spoken with him. Maybe she should focus on trying to confirm what they may have already told him.

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