"Lo siento, ma." Em said, finishing off the candy canes.

"Jacob, if you have a girlfriend you can tell your mama. ¿Por qué no me lo dijiste?"

I sighed. "She's not my novia, mami. I like her, but it's complicated."

"Let me guess, she's stuck between you and another guy?"

"How'd you know?"

"Did you forget that I'm a girl too?" She asked, laughing.

I chuckled. "Well , yeah that's then problem."

"Give it some time. It's all in God's hands. He knows what's best for you, mi amor."

"You're right, mami. Thanks."

"No problema, now help Em set up the table! La familia should be here in less than a hour."

"Ugh, why do I have to be here?" Esmerelda wined as we set the table.

I chuckled. "This is your family, puta. Why wouldn't you be here?"

"I don't like this family! Well except for you and ma. They only come around during Christmas time. Other than that they don't even speak to us."

"You're right about that."

"I know I'm right! Then they're always grilling us for not speaking Spanish all the time like we're in fucking Mexico or something. This is America assholes!"

"They're very cultural, Em. That's why."

"No, they're fucking annoying ass immigrants."

"That's not something nice to say about the family."

"Oh shut up, perra estúpido! This family only acts like a family around this time. Other than that, they're talking shit about us."

"They're still our family. Stop acting like a puta!"

"That's very mean of you to say, Jake."

I laughed. "I'm sorry, nigga."

"I don't care anyways, I'm just waiting for mom to finish the tamales so I can get the fuck."

"Sometimes I wish you were born without a mouth, Em."


"Because you're annoying."

"Hey, I'm just excited that you're here! That's all."

"I only live thirty minutes away from here."

"Then why don't you visit more often?"

"Because I have other things to do."

"Like what? Be up your girlfriends ass? Maybe you should find someone else to like I don't think she's right for you."

"You don't even know her. Plus, you say that about every girl I've liked. You're just mad because I don't give you all of my attention any more."

"Please, I would never be jealous. I'm just saying, you could visit a little mor often. It's just me and mom here."

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you. Go answer the door."

"No you go do it!"

"You're closer!"


"Ugh, fine."

"Gracias, puto."

"Hola," I said, greeting my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. "¿Como estas?"

"Muy bien!" My Aunt Jackie answered, bringing her five kids in with her.

"¿Como estas, tio?" I asked my uncle, welcoming him in.

"Bien, Veo que estás hablando español ahora.¿dónde está tu hermana mala?" (Good, i see you're speaking spanish now. Where is your bad sister?)

"ella está poniendo la mesa. esmeralda! ven aca!" I yelled. (she's setting the table. esmeralda! come here!)

"Hello, family." She said, giving off the fakest smile ever.

"Hola, Emmy!" Aunt Jackie said, giving her a hug.

"Don't call me that. It's either Em or Esmerelda."

"¿por qué no puede usted hablar español?" (Why can't you speak Spanish?)

"Why can't you speak English?"

"Creo que mamá se realiza la cocción. vamos chicos!" (I think mom is done cooking. Let's go guys!) I said, pulling Esmerelda's arm. "And you stop being rude!"

After my moms delicious meal, I stepped outside so that I could call Brittany. I just love hearing her voice.

"Jacob!" She shouted in the phone.

I laughed. "Hola, ma."

"How's your Christmas going so far?"

"Great, real great. How about you?"

"Same, I love being with my family. I miss you though."

"I miss you too."

"Is it warm done there and Florida?"

"It's a little chilly."

"Wow, it's snowing like crazy up here."

"Really? Must be tons of fun."

"No, it's freezing! I hate the cold weather."

"I wish I was up there to snuggle with you."

"Aww, me too."

"Look, I got to go right now but I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay, please call me before you go to sleep."

"Alright, I love you, Brittany."

"Goodbye, Jacob."

Damn. I couldn't get a I love you back? I walked back in my house and watched a Hispanic Christmas movie. I wasn't really into to it so I just started thinking about things. Mostly Brittany. Damn, that girl can make a nigga fall in love real quick.

She just confuses me so much. One day I feel like she likes me then the next she's giving me mixed signals. I'm ready to give her my all, but why do so when she's not giving me her all? I damn near already devote myself to her.

I'm just glad Chresanto and I are still close. I don't wanna break the brotherhood that we share. As much as it hurts me to say this, if Brittany picks Chresanto over me I hope we still stay friends. I've known the nigga practically all of my life.

"Are you okay?" Em asked me.

I nodded my head. "I'm straight."

"Don't worry, bro. Everything will be alright."

"Yeah, I hope so."


Sorry for the crappy chapter! Happy 4th!

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