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POV: Chresanto August

Date: September 14, 2013

It was safe to say that I wanted Brittany. I knew that Jacob wanted her too. I didn't really care though. I haven't really talked to Jacob about Brittany and he hasn't really talked to me about her either. I guess what he has with Brittany isn't my business and what I have isn't his either.

"Chresanto!" My mother exclaimed, snapping her fingers in my face.

"Yes, ma'am?" I asked, using my proper voice. Man, I hate this shit.

"I was talking to Caroline last night and she was telling how much Maribeth enjoyed the date you took her on."

"That's nice."

"We were thinking about arranging for you two to go out again sometime this week or maybe she can come to dinner on Sunday."

I groaned. "Mother, I'm already seeing someone else. Maribeth is a sweet, nice young lady but I'm not interested."

"You're seeing someone else, Chresanto? Without your fathers' or my consent?"

"Don't you think I'm just a tad old to be asking you for permission to see someone?"

"Yes, Chresanto! Who is this girl?"

"Her name is Brittany. I met her at school."

My mom gasped. "Oh my good Lord, Chresanto. I cannot have you dating anyone from that school! I can't believe I even let you go there!"

"Mom, we're not dating yet. She just enjoys my company and I enjoy hers. Dad knows who she is. She works at the Dick's Sporting Goods that he owns on Washington Boulevard."

"Michael! Come here now!" My mother yelled.

"Coming, Darling!"

"Who is this Brittany girl that works at one of the franchises you own?"

"Which one, Honey?"

"The one on Washington Boulevard."

"Oh, yes. What about her?"

"Did you know that Chresanto is seeing her?"

"Is this true, Chresanto?" My dad asked me.

"No, Sir. We're not technically dating but I like her a lot."

"I forbid you to date her, Chresanto. Follow your mothers rules and date someone of wealth."

"But y'all don't even know her! Just because she ain't rich doesn't mean she's below us."

"She is below us, Chresanto! Can she afford the clothes we can? The maids we can? The food that we can? Huh, Chresanto?! Can she?!"

"I swear I wish I wasn't born into this family! Why do you guys have to be so stuck up? Just because you have money doesn't mean you're better. She's better then you guys any day. She has a better personality and isn't so snobby but you guys claim you're better."

"How dare you talk to us like that?" My mother yelled, pointing her finger at me. "You never take up for some broad then you parents! Never!"

"If you guys weren't such snobs then I wouldn't have to! Why can't you guys ever act normal?"

"We aren't normal, Chresanto," My mother sneered. "We're rich, Chresanto. Get it through your head."

"All you care about is how much money you have. Do you even care about your sons happiness?"

"We do," My father said. "But we're worried about the money you have too."

"I can make my own money, Dad!"

Attracting Hearts (Chresanto August and Jacob Perez Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now