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POV: Brittany Cartel

Date: October 1st, 2013

Its the middle of my first semester and I'm feeling like I just want to get rid of school all together all ready. When I was in grade school, I didn't do more that a hour or a hour and a half at most of homework a night. Now, here at FSU I'm lucky if i'm not spending four hours on my homework! Even though it doesn't take much to have a C average grade in most of my classes that's so unexceptable for someone like me. My father, pushed me so hard ever since I've been attending school. Anything less than a B was unectable. Usually kids would be satified with a C but where I'm from the only way you can get out of the hood is if you go to college and about eighty percent don't even finish high school.

"Jacob!" I yelled out my room door. "Come here!"

"I'm right here, Brittany." He said, carrying two bottles of soda and a bowl of caramel popcorn.

"Jacob this class is about to make me kill myself." I whined as I scooted over on my bed to make room for him.

"Calm down, princess. I promise, you'll get it before the quiz next period."

I sighed. "If I fail this test all my hard work for that A is going to go away!"

"Don't stress," He mumbled, pulling me into his arms and kissing my forehead. "C'mon, let me help you."

I opened the math textbook once again and showed Jacob the set of problems that needed to be solved before next class period. "I hate taking trig." I mumbled.

Jacob solved the first problem within a minute or two then showed me how he did it. It all started to make sense from there.

"I'm too thankful for you, Jacob. I swear if it wasn't for you I'd be failing half of my classes." I said, closing the textbook.

He shook his head. "I doubt it, Brielle. You're such a smart girl."

"Yeah, I guess so. How's the project coming along for Spanish?"

He sipped on his drink and nodding his head. "I just finished the five slides on the economy."

"I'll finish my portion of the slides tonight and it should be ready to go by next week."

"Great, this should be a easy A."

"Since we're both half Hispanic everything should be easy," I replied, giggling. "But that's one thing I like about Señora Martinez, her assignments are easy and don't take much time to do."

"You are right about that. That's why she's my favorite teacher."

"Yeah, she's mine too."

"What time do you have to be at work?" Jacob asked.

"I work from one to closing time."

"Damn, I thought you were just working part time shifts."

"That's what I filled out for but Mr August has be working from sun up to sun down but I don't mind, the money is good."

"I don't know how you do it, school and work? That's a lot."

"Yeah, well it does cost a lot to go here," I said, chuckling. "I just pay for my books though, scholarship covers everything else."

"Well that isn't too bad."

"Too bad? Books are expensive! I should've enjoyed my free textbooks in high school."

"We all should've. I got to get back to my form though, my class starts in a little while."

"Yeah, I need to start getting ready for work anyways. Text me later?"

"Yeah, I'll text you later on. By, princess."

I smiled. "Bye, Jacob. See you later on."

I grabbed my work outfit out of the closet and grabbed my all black Jordan's as well. My hair was already brushed up into a ponytail so all I had to do was take a quick shower and put on my clothes. I had plenty of time to get to work but the buses here run so slow.

I grabbed a water bottle and my book bag then jogged down the stairs. The warm air hit my skin and it felt quit nice. A lot f students were out jogging or playing sports in the grass and I smiled.

"Hi, Brittany." Jessica greeted me while kicking a soccer ball.

"Hey, girl!" I yelled, waving.

Since I got her to FSU I made a lot of good friends. At home I wasn't really the social type because everyone was shady and I wasn't into the type of shit that they were into. Smoking, doing drugs, and just being gang bangers wasn't me. Trust me, I love my hood to the death of me but it sure doesn't love my ass back.

"Yo, Brittany!"

"Hi, Chresanto," I said, walking over to him. He was by the square with a couple of his friends that I've talked to once or twice. "Hi, Rayan and you're Rakim, right?"

"Wassup." Rayan said, nodding his head.

"Yeah, it's Rakim, ma."

"Where you headed off too?" Chresanto asked me.

"I'm about to get going to work."

"Do you need a ride?"

"Nah, I'm fine. The bus should be here in a couple of minutes."

"Girl, there is no way that you can catch that raggedy ass bus. Let Chresanto give you a ride." Rayan told me.

"I'm not in you're way, am I?" I asked.

"Nah, you good, ma. What time you got to be at work."

"At one."

"We it's 12:30 right now, let's bounce. I'll catch up with y'all later."

"Bye Rayan and Rakim!" I yelled, waving off to them.

"Thanks for the ride, Chresanto. You didn't have to give me a ride," I said, reaching over and buckling his seatbelt for him. "You know I hate when you don't wear your seatbelt."

"Yeah, I forgot but no problem, I needed to head over to talk to my dad about something anyways."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did," He said, switching lanes. "Ask away."

"Do you and Jacob hangout as often? Like before I came here?"

He shrugged. "Yeah I mean, I guess. We're both busy with shit but we try to hangout when we can."

"Oh, okay."

"Why you ask?"

"Because I feel like I'm intruding with y'all's friendship."

"Nah, you really ain't. Trust me."

"I know that he likes me and that you like me so I don't want their to be any problems."

Chresanto laughed. "Brittany, we're guys. When two guys like the same girl it's cool. We're not like girls who get all jealous and shit."

"Well I guess you have a point about that."

"So, homecoming is coming up in a few weeks."

"Yeah," I said, sighing. "I've heard. Who are you planning to go with."

"You already know the answer to that, Brittany. Don't play."

I giggled and hopped out of his car the same time that he did. "I don't even think that I want to go to homecoming to be honest."

"Why? It's like the funnest thing all year."

I shrugged. "It's just not my type of thing I guess."

"C'mon, wild girl." He said, nudging my shoulder.

I laughed and smack him shoulder with my hand. Ever since Chresanto's first party of the year I've been named wild girl. I'm quit popular around her you can say.

"I don't think they can handle all of this at a place so nice and classy like the dance."

"Girl, FSU knows how to get wild too. You ain't the only one."

"Well I'll think about it, I have a few weeks anyways."

"You're going wether you like it or not. It'll be fun, I promise."

I shrugged. "Sure, sure I will."

We both walked side by side to the back of the store where all employees are required to check in. I greeted Mr. August then placed my backpack inside of the locker that was assigned to me.

"I'm working the register today right, Mr. August?"

"Yes, you are but before you get to work I need to talk to you."

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Everything is not okay, Brittany."

"What is wrong?"

"Take a seat please."

I sat down in one of the plush cranberry colored chairs that were placed in front of Mr August's desk. He took his glasses off and sat them in the corner of his desk before he looked at me with hate in his eyes.

"I want to make this one thing clear, Brittany. Whatever you and Chresanto have going on together, it needs to stop."

I scrunched my face and scratched the back of my neck before I cleared my throat. "What do you mean Mr August?"

"My son has expressed his feelings towards my wife and I and I want it to stop now. I don't want you two near each other at all. He needs to be focusing on his school work and not some girl. You here me? Don't risk your job here anymore."

I opened my mouth to say something back but I no words came out. I just started at Mr August with confusion written all over my face. I was lost, very lost. Why was he telling me this? Why doesn't he want me around Chresanto? What is going on?

"It's five minutes into your shift and I'm not paying you to stand around, her to work and don't forget what I said or else your job here is done."

I quietly got up from my seat and clearing my throat. I made my way to the registers and spotted Chresanto standing near the entrance looking around.

"There you are," He said, walking my way. "What was taking you so long?"

"I'm so sorry, Chresanto." I whispered.

"What's wrong, Brittany? Are you okay?"

"Just please, please do me the favor and don't talk to me anymore."

"Brittany please tell me what I did to you."

I ignored him and opened one of the empty cash registers. He followed right behind me and pleaded for me to talk to him. I wish I could've but I couldn't risk my job on the line.

"Chresanto get away from me!" I screamed, causing a few people to stare at us. "Please just get away from me!"

He looked at me stunned. I was stunned myself. I couldn't believe that I just yelled at him like that in front of all of these people but I guess I had to because he just walked away from me after that.

I took a few customers and started ringing them up. I needed something that would take my mind off of this sudden situation. I was still lost and clueless about why Mr August didn't want me talking to Chresanto. I understand that he has school work, I do too but I'm pretty sure that's not the reason why Mr August doesn't want me around Chresanto. I'm more than sure that he was back there sugar coating everything to me.

I knew that Mr August didn't have that much like for me but he wouldn't do something like this. This situation has to be deeper than I'm thinking it is...

That night, I walked alone on the campus of FSU feeling lonely. Chresanto texted me nonstop that night. Everything in me wanted to respond back. But I know that Mr August wasn't playing when he said that he would fire me.

Without thinking, I grabbed my light blue Nike Free Runs, a random black hoodie, and grabbed my keys. Both Jordan and Ivory were sleep so I just crept out the apartment and ran down the stairs. By now, it was almost midnight and it was kind of dangerous wondering out here alone by myself.

I took off sprinting in the direction off of campus. Within five minutes, I got tired of running but I just pushed myself because I knew that if I stopped, it would only make me turn around and run back to my apartment.

I pounded on the door like I was the police and breath heavily to where the point I was surprised that my asthma didn't start acting up.

"Who the fuck is knocking at my door like their the police?" I heard Chresanto tell.

I ran my fingers through my hair and waited patiently for him to open the door.

"Brittany? What are you doing here, it's passed-"

I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my heard against his chest. "Please Chresanto, all I need is closure right now. Just please, be quiet and hug me."

And he did. He just held me and didn't let go. As much as I thought that I didn't need Chresanto, I do need him and my feelings are expanding day by day.


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