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POV: Brittany Cartel 

Date: December 19th, 2013 

I walked along the dirty, littered hallways with two suitcases in my hands. I knocked three times until my sister finally opened the door. 

"Hey, Brittany!" She yelled, holding little Caleb in her left arm. 

"Hi, Tati," I said, rolling my suitcases into the small two bedroom apartment. "Come here, Caleb!" I exclaimed. 

My two year old nephew, who looked like he wasn't no more than one, walked over to me and reached his arms up. "Hi, baby!" 

"Titi!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around my neck. 

"You miss Titi?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Tati, what have you been doing to my baby's hair!?" I asked.

"Girl, his hair is perfectly fine." She said, throwing on some leather boots. 

"Don't worry, Caleb. Titi is gonna fix this mess up. Where is Aniya and where are you about to go?" 

"Girl, calm down I'm about to go up gallery or whateva'. I'll be back in thirty minutes, I stamp. Aniya is in the room watching TV!" She said, before running out the door. 

I sighed. "C'mon, Caleb. Let's go get Aniya." 

I walked down the hallway and opened the door. Instantly, my little niece ran towards be holding her hands up. I put Caleb down then picked her up. "Hi, baby!" 

"Hi, Titi!" She yelled.

"Did you miss Titi?" I asked. 

"A lot!" She said. Unlike her brother, she wasn't shy at all. She was just like her Aunty, not scared to say anything that was on her mind.

"Titi, I'm hungry." Aniya whispered. 

"Are you hungry too?" I asked Caleb. 

He nodded his head. "Let's go see what's in the refrigerator." I said, putting Aniya down. 

I opened the refrigerator door and was stunned when I found nothing inside. I sighed. "Hey, you guys. How does McDonald's sound?" 

"Yay! McDonald's!" Aniya yelled.

At that moment, my older brother walked in the door. "Hey, B." He said, giving me a tight hug. 

"Hey, Jay. Where you coming from?"

"The studio." He responded, taking off a Helly Hansen jacket. 

"Who bought you that jacket?" I asked. 

"A lil squally on the street." 

I sighed.  "I'm about to walk down to McDonald's with the kids. Want anything?" 

"Yeah actually I do. Get me a number one." 

"Alright, I'll be right back."

I dressed the kids kids up then we started our ten minute journey to McDonalds. Helping two two-year-olds walk for ten minutes was a struggle. They both thought they were grown enough to walk on their own but when it was time to walk down them stairs they want to be carried! I didn't get little kids.

I quickly ordered the food so we could go back home. Too many of my neighbors were recognizing me from off the streets which was a bad thing. Once somebody knows you got a job around here and that you're doing good for yourself, that's when they start wanting favors. 

Thanking the Lord, I made it back home without being seen by anyone else. My sister, Tati, wasn't home which I knew would be the case. I'm glad that I'm staying here for a couple of weeks because she's the type of person to just leave her kids with anybody.

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