I. Brittany

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POV: Brittany Cartel

Date: August 27th, 2013

"You keep falling victim cause you're insecure and when I tell you that you're beautiful you can't be sure." J.Cole ft. TLC, "Crooked Smile".

Today would be my very first day off at college. I was nervous, anxious and a little sad. I knew absolutely no one here in Florida and my father just sends me off here like I wouldn't be perfectly fine back home in Washington D.C. attending college there.

"You need to get out of the ghetto, Brittany."

"There ain't nothing but fast girls around here. Can't you tell from your little sister?"

"You're my only child left who hasn't been damaged by the streets. Please, just make something out of yourself."

These were all things that my father had told me before I boarded my plane and left my hometown. Truly and surely, I was my fathers only child left who wasn't damaged by the streets. My little sister got pregnant at the age of fifteen with twins, one of my older brothers was in jail locked up for five years after being caught up with drugs, my other older brother is a struggling "upcoming" rapper who is living off of his families income and my older sister is working two full time jobs back to back to support her three kids.

None of my siblings were role models towards me. I always wanted to go to college, get my masters degree and have a good job so I wouldn't have to depend on anyone ever in my life.

I read the metal numbers off of each apartment room as I looked for mine. I finally found the room and blew a raspberry. I stood in front of the door not knowing what the expect.

I've never been friends with females that much in my life. Back at home all they do is start drama and want to fight me. I don't know how these Florida girls are down here. Hopefully, I won't have to hurt one of my roommates this school year.

I opened the door and walked through the doorway looking into a empty hallway. I heard loud voices from somewhere in the apartment as I closed the front door. On the left was a medium sized kitchen then came a fully furnished living room. I made my way down another hallway. There were three other room doors. I walked into the first one preparing myself for a first impression.

"Hi, my name is Brittany." I said, giving the two girls who were sitting on the beds a smile.

"Hello, Brittany. I'm Ivory." Ivory said, giving me a warm smile.

Ivory was gorgeous. She had shoulder length black hair, brown skin, and thick in all the right places.

"I'm Jordan, by the way." Jordan said getting up and giving me a hug.

Jordan was... I don't even know how to describe her in one word. All I know is, if I was a lesbian, I would be head over heels for the bitch. She had long black hair with honey blonde tips. She has a hoop lip ring and was a thick girl too. She had nice caramel skin that looked as if it glowed. I know girls around here probably don't like her.

"It's nice meeting you girls." I said, rolling my two suitcases over to the only bed left. I sat down and crossed my left leg over my right.

"I don't know about y'all, but I heard about this really cool bar out downtown. Y'all wanna come or no?" Jordan asked.

She reminded me of the girls at home talking like that. She had that same ghetto voice and all.

"I'm down." I said. Might as well start making friends down here now.


"I'm down too, I guess. But I can't be out all late. I have to start work tomorrow." She replied.

"Oh, you have a job down here too?" I asked.

"Yeah, at Dick's."

"Me too."

"That's cool." She said, smiling.

That night, I enjoyed myself. I got to know Ivory and Jordan a little bit more and they seem like some pretty cool girls. Ivory is eighteen and from Houston, Texas but resided in West Palm Beach a couple of years ago. She was also a crazy and feisty person if someone got in her way. She was fully black chick. She reminded me of my little sister in a way. Jordan was from West Palm Beach but came down here to Tallahassee so she could attend Florida State University. She was Mexican, Asian and Black and little crazy but in a good way. I loved her already.

The next morning, Ivory and I rose out of our beds at eight to start getting ready for work. I still had a little hang over from the night before but I took two Advil's and called it a day.

I took a quick shower and threw my uniform on with a pair of Jordan's. Ivory and I walked to the nearest Starbucks for a quick breakfast then headed to work.

Throughout the day i learned that working as a cashier was hard and tiring. Hard because I had to deal with some rude customers and tiring because my feet and arms were aching.

Right around two, I got my last customer out the way then made my way to back to clock out. It was just my first day and I was already tired of this job but I knew if I wanted to keep going to school and have money to spend here than I would need this job.

I waited for Ivory outside of the front building so we could get going. Neither one of us had cars so we were walking home. It wasn't that long of a walk, though.

Ivory rushed out the building clapping her hands together and jumping up and down. I laughed at her because she reminded me of a DC hoodrat.

"Girl, you will not believe who I ran into!" She exclaimed as we started walking home.

"Who?" I asked. I only know two people so far in Tallahassee so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't know who in the hell she was talking about.

"The owners son, Chresanto August!" She screamed.

"Who is he, A celebrity around here?" I asked.

"He's one of the finest boys that attends FSU! Guess what he did? He gave me his number and invited us to his back to school party tomorrow!"

"So I'm guessing you like this boy, huh?" I asked.

"Girl, he may be fine and all but you have to see one of his homies named Rayan. He is about to be my future boo!"

I laughed at her. "Well have fun at that party."

"Oh no, trick! You're coming too and so is Jordan! This is the first party to start off our year here at college. Plus, you don't really know anyone here. It'll be a great opportunity to feel the vibe here in Florida."

"I guess I can come through." I replied. Ivory was more than right. I do need to feel out the vibe here and Florida. I'll be here for a couple of years or so so why not?

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