Or was it?

. . .

I was quiet the rest of the way to Rih's house. SB tried to get me to move back in with him again, but I wasn't ready for that yet.

"Please Nicki," he begged, but I held my ground.

"No, SB," I had said, "I'm not ready for that yet. Just because we made up doesn't mean I'm gonna drop everything to move back into that stupid apartment. Sorry."

After a couple more minutes of arguing, he finally relented and dropped me off at Rih's house.

"I'll come visit you tomorrow baby," he said after giving me a quick kiss on the lips and a slap on the ass. I giggled a lil' bit, despite myself.

"Ok SB," I said, and watched him climb back into his car and pull out of the driveway. As soon as he was outta sight, I ran inside to find Rihanna, anxious to talk to her about what had happened tonight and my conflicting feelings.

I found her in the kitchen, fixing herself some spaghetti. Chris was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey RiRi," I said, getting her attention.

"Hey Nic," she said, "How was the party?"

I groaned, and she turned away from the stove to face me. She knew what that meant.

"What happened?"

"A better question would be what didn't happen."

"Tell me all about it, baby girl," she said taking my hand and leading me into the living room, where we both sat down on the couch.

"What about your spaghetti?" I asked.

"Eh, wasn't gonna eat it anyways. So tell me!"

I started to tell her everything that had happened at the strip club, from Niyah stripping to Drake cheating. She took it all in, in disbelief. I could tell she was wondering how the hell all of this shit could happen in one night. I didn't blame her. Frankly, I was still wondering that myself.

"Oh my God!" Rihanna said, mouth gaping. "I can't believe Drake would even think to -- "

"I know. It's crazy, I don't know what got into him."

She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. "Poor Niyah. I feel so bad for her."

"Me too. You shoulda seen her earlier. She looked absolutely terrible. He makeup was running, her eyes were puffy. She just seemed so... Lost."

"But you said nothing really happened, right?"

"That's what he said."

She nodded. "Are they gonna get back together?"

I sighed and dug my nails into the palm of my hand, surely drawing blood. I had a feeling this wasn't gonna go very well. "Ok, here's the thing," I started. "After Drake and  Niyah had that big fight,  I went to talk to Niyah for Drake and eventually, she said she was gonna talk to him, which was what I wanted in the beginning. I wanted them to get back together and be the perfect little couple they've always been, but... When I left, I just started feeling, like, sad... And I don't know why... Like, I kinda regretted talking to Niyah for Drake. It was almost as if I didn't want them to get back together... Almost like I was jealous."

Rihanna just sat there, silent and still for a few seconds; thinking, I guess. Then, she jumped up from the couch and held her hand over her heart.

"No," she whispered.

"What?" I asked, suddenly worried.

"No way," she said.


She broke out into a smile started giggling maniacally. Ok, I knew Rihanna was crazy, but this was a new high for her. I was actually kinda scared.

"I can't believe this!" she exclaimed.

"What?!" I cried.


I was taken aback by this. Me? Have a crush on Drake?

I jumped up off the couch and crossed my hands over my chest. "What?! Rihanna, what the fuck? We've been over this before, we're just friends! I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!"

"Nicki, oh my God, this is wonderful! Have you even thought about how cute y'all babies will come out?! I've been -- "

"Rihanna!" I scream, and she shuts up and turns her attention to me. "I do not like Drake! That's ridiculous. We're nothing more than friends."

"Nicki! You can't deny it!" She sat back on the couch. "You don't want Drake and Niyah to get back together because you like him! You're jealous!"

I scoffed, shocked that Rihanna would even begin to think I had a thing for Drake. Drake and I had always been best friends, nothing more than that. I've never liked his as a boyfriend or anything, and he's sure as hell never liked me as a girlfriend. And Niyah and I had always been cool; she was never worried that I would start catching the feelings for Drake, because the thought of that was preposterous. Drake and I were brother and sister -- and strictly that.

"Robyn. Rihanna. Fenty. You should know by know that I am not a jealous person. I don't ever get jealous!"

"Mmhm. What about that time in ninth grade, when you were afraid that that girl Marcell was tryna steal me away from you? Remember that?" she asked with a smirk.

"That was an exception. She knew that we were best friends and she was tryna break us up. She deserved that punch!"

"And what about that time in eleventh when Alicia was flirting with yo boyfriend?"

"That bitch had it coming. Her thirsty ass shoulda went and fucked with somebody else's boyfriend, then maybe she wouldn't have spent the next two weeks in the hospital."

"And what about that time when you found out that Mandi was messing around with SB?"

"Girl, if I could, I woulda done way more than break her nose."

"And what about -- "

"Ok, ok, Rih! I get it. I can get really jealous at times," I reluctantly admitted, while Rihanna laughed at how easily it had been to prove her point. "But that doesn't mean that I'm jealous of Niyah."

"Yessss it does," she sang. "Nicki has a crush on Drake but she doesn't wanna admit it! Na na na na na! They're gonna get married and have a million gazillion kids! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but smile a tiny smile. Rihanna was so immature, it was funny.

"Go to bed Rih," I said, and she laughed. "You really need to."

. . .

As I lay in my bed, I think about Rihanna and I's conversation a while ago.

Did I have a crush on Drake?

I hate to admit it, but Rihanna knew what she was talking about 99.9% of the time, and I couldn't remember the last time she was wrong about something. She had make it pretty clear that she thought I had a crush on Drake... So, did I?

Why would I have a crush on Drake, though? I mean, he was just an average guy, nothing special about him. Even though his eyes are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen.... And even though his voice gave me chills whenever he talked... And even though he's probably the sweetest guy on the earth... And even though literally everything about him made me happy, he was nothing out of the ordinary...

My stomach dropped down to my knees when I realized what I was saying. A shaky hand covered my mouth when I began to comprehend that I, Onika Tanya Maraj, had a crush on Aubrey Drake Graham...

And it wasn't going away any time soon.


Sorry for the sloppy writing. Not the best I can do, but whatever...


xx Kylie

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