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"Mommy! Mommy! Read me a story!" I placed a heavy, purple book on Mommy's lap.

Mommy laughed. "I've read this one to you a million times, Little Bird."

"But it's my favorite!!!"

Mommy smiled at me and pulled me onto the couch. "All right." She cleared her throat.

"Long, long ago, a race called the Luna wandered the world. The Luna was a race of half-human half-wolf creatures. They had the ability to switch between a human and wolf form freely. When they were in their chosen form, you wouldn't even know they're Luna.

"Humans and Luna lived together in harmony for many years without quarrel. However, about 2000 years ago, a great plague struck; nearly wiping out the Luna. Not only that but the humans began to fear the Luna after a few years of fighting.

"Eventually, the Luna disappeared. It is safe to say that they are all completely eradicated, but some legends say that they are still out there...lurking deep in the forest."

Even though I've heard this tale many times, I am still spell-bound by the possibility that there is a different race out there.

What if the Luna ARE real? Where would they live? Do they talk to normal wolves? Is it possible for a human to become one?

"Anna? Are you listening?"

I snapped out of my trance. "I was just thinking about how cool the Luna are!" I exclaimed.

"Were, daughter," Father sneered as he came into the room. "The Luna are nothing but a fairytale. They never existed in the first place. If they did, they're all dead. Each and every one of them."

I hid from him by snuggling closer to Mommy. "Validar, those are not the things you should say to Anna. She's only a child." Mommy stood up for me.

Father wouldn't listen. "Then it's a good idea to teach her this lesson now instead of believing it her whole life." He glared at the book. "Why do we even have that? It's a ridiculous story, anyway."

Mommy sighed and stood up, handing me the book. "Anna, why don't you go to bed? I need to talk to your father."

I took the book and held it tight. "Ok, Mommy..." I gave Father a fearful look and scurried out of the living room.


I couldn't and wouldn't sleep.

I stared out of the window and at the bright, full moon.

Do wolves really howl at the moon? Does that mean the Luna howl at it? I wonder if wolves celebrate holidays? Do they have different ones? Do they know what birthdays are? How do the Luna age? Do they have human lifespans or wolf ones?

I sighed and placed my chin on the windowsill. "I want to meet a Luna someday... I want to see the whole entire world and know the answers to everything! I'm gonna do it! I know I can!"


Link: https://youtu.be/NUpjBvDKZag

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