Chapter 20: Love Of My Life? Stop Right There Brain.

Start from the beginning

“Oh how lovely. The ex-girlfriend approves. Thank you so very much.” I crossed my arms and sulked pulling out my phone. Maybe if I called Nora or one of the lads they could come and pick me up. I had to get out of here. My phone was snatched from my hands and I looked up to see Christine placing it in her purse. “Give. Me. Back. My. Phone.”

“Not. Gonna. Happen,” Chris shot back. Under other circumstances I could really see myself being friends with Christine. Too bad she was the woman who broke the love of my life’s heart. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Love of my life? Stop right there brain. “Forget the plan. Nathan was right. I should just tell you the truth about Zayn and I.”

“I don’t want to hear it,” I said standing up. “I’m going to find some way to get home.” I marched off unsure of my next move, but I couldn’t listen to her anymore.

“I NEVER DATED ZAYN! IT WAS ALL A LIE!” I whirled around at her confession. Her shouting had gathered the attention of everyone in the food court. They looked between the two of us trying to decide if we were going to fight or make up. This felt like a scene in some lame romantic comedy for some reason. That thought made me giggle, which seemed to make Chris giggle as well. Soon we were both laughing so hard that we were crying. Amidst her laughter Chris made her way over to me dragging me by my arm towards a random storefront.

“You just yelled in a mall food court,” I snickered. “The crowd—“ I broke off into more laughter.

“I know,” she guffawed. “They were watching us like a tennis match!” We both kept chuckling as we took a seat at a small bench. It was several minutes before our laughter died down. “Look. It was Zayn’s stupid idea. I didn’t want anything to do with it.”

“What?” I was having trouble focusing on the subject at the moment.

“The whole Zayn and I dating thing. Zayn is my bestie since we were little kids, but that is it. There are no romantic feelings there. I’m with Nathan.”

“Yeah, I got that when you announced it to everyone that you were breaking up.”

“Focus here Annie.” I laughed as she grasped my head between her hands. “Zayn and I are not dating. We have never dated. And we will never date in the future. I am not lying to you.” I studied her face knowing she was telling the truth. Her eyes were latched onto mine.

“Then why did—?"

“It’s kind of hard to explain. Just sit and listen okay?”

“Okay. Can you please let go of my face first?” She blushed and let me go before settling further on the bench. “Talk Chris.”

“Zayn really likes you.” My eyes shot open and my heart began to race at her words, but I remained silent as she continued. “He’s not very good with girls. I think the only reason we get along so well is because when we first met he thought I was a boy.”

“He thought you were a boy?”

“Well everyone calls me Chris. Plus I used to be kind of a tomboy, and I had this really awful haircut th--“


“Sorry. Zayn kept texting me, and when I got here with Nathan he sprang the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing on me. I was so stunned that I played along. Then I dragged him out of the dressing room where he confessed to liking you and screwing it all up by saying he was dating me and I tried to fix it by telling you all that we broke up and that I was dating Nathan and you felt bad for him so I thought that would help but now you are ignoring him and it’s all my fault.” She gasped for air after she finished her little speech.

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