The Breakup

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"Emily!?" I almost shout. Taylor and Emily look up at me. "Ivey-" Emily starts. "Didn't you say you were sick?" Kyle asks confused. "She did," I say, a little too harshly.

I have every right to be mad, she lied to us, just to hang out with Taylor. "Emily made the right choice to hang out with me." Taylor said.

"You have been my friend since Kindergarten. Now, you decide to lie to me to hang out with the brat of our life's? Kyle and I came here to give you a get well basket. Now, I regret everything."

I pull Kyle, and we leave. When I said "Now, I regret everything", I was not just talking about the basket. I mean our friendship, and our memories of our whole life together.

I was thankful that Kyle didn't talk to me the ride back, but I didn't want to make him feel too bad. It was hard for me to talk because of what just happened, but I forced myself.

"Kyle," I chocked "can you come to the park with me?" "Will it make you feel better?" He asked. "I think." "Then, of course." The way he said it gave me comfort. 

Once we get there I head for the highest part of the park. Kyle and I have always met there. Some could say it is out spot. Of course I never told or met Emily here. We were always on the swings.

"Kyle, what am I going to do if she becomes like Taylor. I mean, I am mad at her, but at the same time I don't want to lose her. It would be almost as bad as loosing you."

"Honestly, I don't know. You two are the perfect example of rn friendship," He says. I was shocked. I have never heard him talk like this, it's sounded so deep.

"Wait, have you had somthing like this before?" I asked. He looked stunned that I asked. "Yeah." He sighed. "When? With whom?" I asked.

"Twice actually. You will never believe me, but Taylor." He was right! I never would have guessed, but now it makes sense.

"The second?" I asked. It's not like I would know. "What's the point, you don't know her," He said. "Please?" I asked, with my cutest eyes.

"Fine. First things first she was my girlfriend. I only saw her when we face timed. Everyone thought we were destined to be together," He paused and sighed.

He was about to continue when someone shouted my name. "Ivey?!" I looked out to see who it was, the moment I looked I regretted it. Emily.

I try and hide through the few walls we had. I motioned for Kyle to do the same, but it was too late. "I already saw you two," She yelled, climbing up the several ladders.

"Should we ditch her?" Kyle whispered for my approval. "No, this is too serious. I need to talk to her about it. You are a part of this too, so will you stay?" "Anytime."

As she got up I scooted to the other side, next to Kyle. It was quiet for a little but before she broke the silence.

"I can explain-" She started saying before I interrupted. "You better explain, because you went to far."


If they really are the perfect example of a true friendship they should be able to fix this... right?

Question of the Chapter: What is your favorite place to hang out? And with someone or without, if someone who?

The park in my neighborhood, by myself.


ATTENTION: This book is most likely only going to last a few more chapters before I end it. If you want more I might add a sequel. Let me know if you want a sequel by voting, commenting, and following me.

Untill then,
-Noodle Out

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