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Ivey and Emily's Text

{Emily: I am so sorry to ask, but... my parents have an impotant thing to go to in China and.... well...} {Me: You need a place to stay, and someone to take you to school. Right?} {Emily: Wow. Ivey, you are smart.} {Me: Thanks. My parents will let you stay. They said that a long time ago. You can come over right now, if you need!} {Emily: Thanks. I will start packing!} {Me: I will be ready}


I tidied up my room, even thought it was already clean. Horrible thoughts of my grandma visit crept in. No. I know she ment well, but it was a little creepy. You must not think of that. Think of..... EMILY!!! Right. She is coming over. Must think of her.

I raced down stared, because I heard the doorbell. I opened it and there she was. We walked inside and hurried for school. "If we don't hurry we will be late" I said. "We have thirty minutes to leave," Emily argued. "You are forgetting one minor detail.... OUR FIRST CLASS HAS THE TEACHER MRS. MAXINE," I finished. She was silent for a little bit. I felt bad. Maybe I startled her? "RUN!" She exclaimed as she rushed out the door. "Wait for me!"

We arrives twenty minutes early. We shouldn't be late now. Mrs. Maxine is really strict though. She doesn't let anyone be late, talk, or play on our phones. Why does she have to be that strict. Maby I should text Sarah.


Ivey and Sarah's Texts

{Me: How is your new school? I am stuck with Mrs. Maxine right now.} {Sarah: That sucks. I must have forgotten to update you. My family is waiting untill winter break to sign me up. It gives me time to help my family move in. And get a very small job.} {Me: I am so sorry. Unless, you want this break.} {Sarah: I am actually happy I get to spend time with my family and help them!} {Me: Oh! Then I am happy for you. I am so sorry, but I have to go. Five minutes untill class starts. My teacher will kill me if I play on my phone during class!} {Sarah: Bye.} {Me: See ya!}


"Alright class. Open up to page twenty-three in you math textbook," my math teacher said.

Omg. You are so slow. Why can't you speed things up. You are not even a grandm- *shudder* grandma. Anyway... I look to my right and see Kyle! Ivey, wy can't you just be brave? All you have to do is ask one simple, little question. NOOOO. It is to hard.

After math, which was our last period, Kyle, Emily, and I walked to the park. I was thinking about asking Kyle about that girl, who called me, but I am too chicken. Then Emily, with out warning asked, "Kyle! Who was that girl who called Ivey and scared her half to death?" Kyle looked offended. "She has been my friend since pre-school. She was just calling her mom. She said she did not call anyone else. I did not check because we are close friends" he finished. "I am so sorry. Emily and I did not mean to hurt you. Or... you friend" I said. "Im so sorry she did that. Her name is Taylor Bine. She's not normally like that, I don't know what got into her."

As soon as he finished, his dad came and picked him up. He parted from us and we said our good-byes. "EMILY! Why did you have to say that like you did to him?" I asked half angry, half upset. "I didn't mean for him to get like that" she replied. "Alright fine, whatever. Let's just go back and sleep. After all, we have four more days of this," I say as we get up. "One question. If you like Kyle, you have to like going to High School, right?" she said. Her logic out smarted me. Sometimes, just sometimes I hate her for how smart she is.


Taylor Bine, look out. You might have two teenage girl coming after you.

Question of the chapter: Do or did you have a enemy? Is so, what was their name?

I used to. Her name was Layla.


Until Then,
  -Gracie Out

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