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I could not believe my grandma sent me this. I mean I knew she owed me, but this.. this is so awesome! How would she know I would LOVE this? She has barely gotten to know me. "I can't believe my grandma got me my own laptop for me!" I said. I have been having to use my parents horrible one.

"Wow. That's so cool," Emily said with a yawn.

I started reading the peace of paper that came with it, because I wanted to see all the cool features.



●Comes With Minecraft
●Comes With Steam
●Comes With Mouse


"Emily, look at the features," I say, as I hand it to her. "Nice," she says. "Wait. There is somthing else in here," I said. I put my hand in and grabbed two gift cards.

First, a $100 gift card to Starbucks. Second, a $100 to Steam. "Emily, you still have your steam gift card?" I ask. "I know where this is headed."

She races to her house and grabs her laptop and gift card. She comes back, we set it up, and browse on Steam. We get a bunch of really AWESOME games.

The next day we go to school. As soon as we walk in we see Kyle and Taylor. Emily grabs my hand and yanks me there. "Hey Kyle," Emily and I say, at the exact same moment. "Who are they?" Taylor asks with a sour voice. "This is Ivey and Emily. They are the girls I was telling you about," he replied.

"Oh. Them," she said, her voice not changing. The bell rung and we went to class. "Listen guys. I know she can be a very sour person at times, but she is going through a hard time," Kyle said. "I am so sorry," I say.

"Do you want to come to my house after and play video games?" "I don't have anything," he replied. "Bring your laptop."

When school was almost over we were hanging out by our lockers. "Kyle can you come to my house after?" Taylor asked, totally interrupting our conversation. "Sorry, I already made plans."

"With whom?" she asked, glaring at us. "Them." "Then I will come too," she said. YOU CANT JUST INVITE YOUR SELF OVER LIKE THAT. Emily and I were totally out of the conversation, but I was going to speak.

"My mom doesn't invite strangers over. I just met you. Sorry," I made my voice sound as apologetic as I could. "What, well, why, UGG. Fine!" she storms off.

Later at my place my mom comes in my room with snacks. "Are there any hungry gamers?" she asked. "ME!" Emily and I accidentally yell. "Yes please," Kyle says politely.

My mom brought a lot of snacks. She brought grapes, strawberrys, cookies, and sodas. My mom left my room. "Your mom is awesome," Kyle compliments. As soon as Kyle said that my mom opens the door.

Unbelievable. She had just been standing there. "Kyle, you are my favorite person" my mom said, blushing a little. "MOM!"

Kyle left and Emily and I were on a sugar high. We were being crazy, running everywhere, and saying random things. In an hour we had a major sugar crash. We slept through lunch and untill six in the morning.


If the mom loves Kyle so much... will she give him permission to date Ivey. "Maybe, but he would not date me if she did. That would just be more embarrassment" Ivey said. STOP RUINING MY CHAPTER IVEY!!!!!

Question of the chapter: Does your mom make you snacks like that? If so, what kinds?

Mine doesn't. I do it myself.


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