You Okay Grandma?

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When I got home my mom gave me a list of things to do. At least this time my brother got the same amount.

Ivey's List of To-Do's

(This is an obvious one: Unpack & put them in their rightful spots)
1. Clean Room.
2. Clean the bath room in your room.
3. Go around the house and pick up.
4. Grab your make-up, so grandma doesn't think your a boy.
5. Make her a card.


Right as I finished my last chore, her card, I saw her drive up. UGG. Listen, I don't hate her. She just is a little edgy and annoying. Plus, she thinks I am a boy!! How can I not be a little annoyed?

*Knock Knock* "I will get it," my brother said, hurrying to get to the door. I do not understand how she is his favorite family member (not including me, mom, and dad). "Grandma!" my brother, Zane said. "Hello Zane," she replied.

As she walked in she saw the rest of us. Then she got a little serious. "Margaret, why did you have to name you son Ivey? That's a girls name. He is a boy for crying out loud," she paused when she saw me. Uh-Oh, this can not be good. I gulp as she walks right up to my face and takes off her glasses. "Are you wearing... make-up?" she asked puzzled. She sighed, "you are a very weird child sometimes." She wiped off my makeup.

"Grandma! I am a girl. Everything on me and in my room proves it. Makeup, pink things, girly cloths (not to girly), cute art, cute wallpapers, and a girly blanket," I exclaim. I was almost out of breath, but not enough to get one last thing out. "Not to forget my birth certificate!!" I took a big breath.

"Alright then," my grandma lifts one eyebrow. "Lets go take a look at you room" I bring her up to my room and I show her everything, even including my underwear. "See it is all girly. Come over here," I bring her right above my bed and grab a box. I pull out my birth certificate. "Right here is my birth certificate," I finish smoothly. She just stands there as a frozen mouse. "Oh. My. Gosh" she finally speaks. "I am so, so, so, so, sorry. I did not know you were a girl. This changes everything. I owe you so much" she said. I will admit. She did owe me a lot, but she is my grandma. I can not just make her do these things.

"Grandma you really don't h-" she cut me off. "No. I owe you a lot. As soon as I get home I will order a bunch of presents right to your door. Girly, things."

She ate dinner with us and then went to bed, reasonably early. In the morning, at six, I woke up at found her nowhere. She must have left at five. I went back in my room and plan the menu today. Today I am going to make food for everyone all day long.


Ivey's Menu

Brunch: Pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon, and biscuits.

Dinner: Tacos, and refried beans.


I made my way to the kitchen, got everything I needed, and started cooking.


That took the Grandma FOREVER to find out. She is crazy and a little dumb, not gonna lie.

Question of the Chapter: Do you have a Grandma or grandma who thought something so weird and wrong about you?

Not mine.


Until Then,
-Gracie Out

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