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As we soon as we enter my room and shut my door Emily bursts out, "TAYLOR BINE IS A BRAT. SHE IS JUST JEALOUS THAT HER CRUSH IS DATING THE HOTTEST GIRL IN SCHOOL. SORRY, WORLD!"

As soon as she finished she face plants onto my bed. "A few things. One, thank you for the complement, but I'm not. Second, she is kind of a brat. Third, don't be mean behind her back," I tell her.

"Why not? She does it to us." Emily challanged."Then we would be just as bad as her," She stares blankly at me "Your right. I'm sorry."

After that we ate dinner. Then we had a valentines chocolate bark and whipped cream filled strawberrys.

After dinner Emily's mom came to pick her up

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After dinner Emily's mom came to pick her up. Her and my mom chatted for a little bit, so we got an extra fifteen minutes.

"Bye," I said. "See you tomorrow," Emily responded. We hugged and they left.

What time is it? WHAT? It's already eight o'clock. I still have homework. Why do we have math? At nine thirty I finished school. "That took forever," I whispered to myself.

Why did I have to eat so many sweets today? I climbed on my bed and cuddled under the covers with my stuffed bear. *brrring*. What's that? I look over at my phone. Oh. It a message from Kyle.


Kyle and Ivey's Texts.

Kyle: He what's up? Or are you asleep?

Me: Nope. Just chill'n. You?

Kyle: I just wanted to ask if you had Instagram?

Me: No. I am allowed to, but I never knew anyone who had it at the time. Well, Emily, but that's it.

Kyle: I do. I was just going to follow you if you did.

Me: I guess I will. It much more popular than when I first heard of it. Plus, all the youtubers I watch have it.

Kyle: Awesome. I have to go. Please tell me your name on Insta tomorrow.

Me: You got it. Bye! 😙

Kyle: Bye. 😙


Once we finished I left and downloaded Instagram. This takes a lot longer to set up an account for than most anything else.

(Notification) Congratulations on setting up your Instagram account. You can search and follow anyone else. Have fun and enjoy! (Notification)

I turned off my phone and fell asleep. The next day I walked into my classroom and sat next to Kyle and Emily. "Thanks to Kyle, I just found out you and him have an Instagram account!" Emily exclaims.

"Ya, I just go it last night," I reply. "I'll say mine first, then you, and then Emily. Ok?" Kyle asked. "You got it," We all exchanged usernames. While Emily listened to music, and Kyle went through all of his Instagram photos, I searched all my favorite people.

That includes youtubers, singers, actresses and actors, and other friends. The bell rung and everyone hurried to put away their phones.

"Class, put away your self phones faster. Unless you all want detention? Do you?" She asked sharply. "No Mrs. Maxine." We say in perfect harmony. "Excuse me?" "No thank you Mrs. Maxine."


I would hate to be in Mrs. Maxine's class!

Question of the chapter: What is your favorite subject? (band, p.e, art, and lunch don't count)

Mine is by far Science.

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