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Emily ran after me. Kyle stayed back, I could here him talking. "Taylor, what's your problem? And you wonder why I don't date you." I couldn't hear if Kyle said anymore, because I was too far.

"Ivey, stop," Emily said, out of breath. I sit down at a bench. I am crying now. "Ivey, I know your hurt and upset, but we need to talk to the principal about it," Emily told me.

"No, it will only make it worse," I tell her. "It will make it better, because if she keeps it up even though the principle tells her to stop, she will get expelled."

Emily had a valid point. "Ok," Kyle came up and asked Emily to leave us alone. "Ivey you ok?" He asked. He couldn't see it face, it was buried in my hands.

I look up at him. His soft blue eyes looking brighter than ever. "I am so sorry Ivey," He says, pulling me in for a hug. It is a different hug than the ones with your friends. It was closer.

"Kyle. Promise me you won't love me any less if the bullying gets worse," I said, the tears slowing down. "Of course not," he said. "Want to head to the park after school?" He asked. "Sure."

School finally ended. Kyle and I walked to the park together, we were careful to make sure no one followed us. "You didn't have to stand up for me. This isn't your fight," I tell Kyle, so he won't get hurt.

"Your fight is my fight. We are on this together," He says. We have fun on the playground. My grandma drove by, then stopped in front of us. "Ivey quick get in. It's an emergency. You can come too boy."

This made my heart race. I hopped in the car, followed by Kyle. "This is going to be hard to take in. Your parents are in jail," She said.

"WHAT?" I accidentally yell. "I'm sorry." Grandma says. We arrive at her house. I am stunned, I don't move. "Come on Ivey." Kyle says. He holds my hand and leads the way.

When we come inside Grandma starts telling us all the information. "Your parents were drunk, stole, then drove their car and crashed. Luckily no one was hurt," I was crying and they both saw.

Kyle hugged me to comfort me, while Grandma continued. "Your brother, Zane, is living with your mom's parents. You will be living with me. I called your school and they are giving you a break from school, but only for a week."

That was all so far. Kyle had to leave so we said goodbye. Then I went up to my room, then back down. "G-Grandma, can we go back to the house to pack my things?" "Of course."

In the car I start planning what I am going to pack. OMG, IVEY. YOU ARE AN IDIOT. GRANDMA SURELY WON'T LET YOU KEEP A BUNNY AT HER HOUSE. But, I should ask...

"Grandma." I say, almost soundless. "Yes sweat heart?" She asks. "I know you probably don't want this, so who is going to take care of by bunny?"

"Don't be silly, I would love too, just keep the cage in your room." "Ok."


Btw, her grandma had a divorce about ten years ago.

Question Of The Chapter: Do you personally know someone who has gone to jail? Or someone who knows?

I do not.


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