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As we walked in a boy turned to look at us. "Hi," he said as he waved to us. Oh my gosh. He is so cute. "Hey," Emily said. A long awkward silence passed while I stared wide eyed at him. Emily elbowed me, trying to get me to say something. "Wow," was all I managed to get out. Idiot. Why would I say that?? "Anyways," Emily said trying to change the subject to save me from immense embarrassment. "Why are you here?" she asked. "Same reason as you, late." We sat down next to him. "Are you stuck with Mrs. Maxine, too?" Emily asked. "Yep." "Wow," I said. "Are y'all new here?" He asked us. "Yeah." "Well then. Would you give me the honor of giving you a tour after school?" he asked. "That sounds great," Emily replied. "What about you?" "Wow" was all I could stammer out for the third time. That also seemed to be the last one there, since the principle came and took us to our class room. "I was able to settle down with no punishment, but it better not happen again" she explained. "Yes Mrs. Tasha" we all said in unison. "Good, now go in. Your teacher is already keeping an eye on you" she finished and made us go in. The room was silent and all the kids were staring at us. The only thought that went in my head was... WOW!!


Wow. That is all I have to say about this chapter.

Question of the chapter: Have you ever done something stupid like that in front of someone you were trying to impress?

Not that I can remember.


Until Then,
-Gracie Out

My High School LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang