Part 67

334 17 7

bold - alex
regular - felicity

Felicity POV

Everything still hurts when I wake up, but I shift to bury my face into Alex's shoulder anyways. Mm, he smells like home.


I bold upright and gasp at the pain burning up my spine. I fall back to my reclined position against Alex with a thud. More pain. Fire shoots up my arm.

Alex's eyes flicker open, groaning.

"Fel? You awake?"

"Alex-" my voice comes out in a raspy whisper.

His arm gently wrap around my shoulder and pulls me against him, and he arranges my fractured arm in a comfortable position. "G'mornin' beautiful."

A warm, fuzzy feeling spreads through me, and I can't help but smile. "Can I have some -" I start coughing instead. Alex leans over and grabs the cup of water off the bedside table. I drink gratefully as he tilts the cup at my lips.

"Are you hungry? Do you want the chicken soup?"

I shrug, and he nods. I sigh as he substitutes his arms with the pillow that had fallen on the floor and props me up. He gets off the bed, and beelines for the bathroom.

And I wait in silence, as the toilet flushes and the tap turns on.

Alex was here the whole night.

For me?

That thought is immediately followed by, did he bring the homework for me?

"Fel, do you want to change or something? I brought you clothes." He props his backpack next to me on the bed, opening it up and pulling out a familiar dark hoodie.

"You didn't." I stare as he shakes out the folds and holds it up for me.

He grins. "I so did."

He drapes his hoodie I had accidentally worn, around me. "So, Hollister-hoodie-thief. Want it?"

I grin. "It's already on me. What else do you have?"

He hands me each clothing item as he speaks. "A cotton underwear. Fuzzy socks. Are they clean? I found them under your pillow." I nod, taking the neon green socks. "Fleece sweatpants. Annnndd-" he waves his fingers for a dramatic effect. "This!"

He tosses out the maroon lingerie set he had sent a picture of.

I gasp. "Alex! I can't wear that!"

He sits next to me, fingering the lace trim. "It's nice though!"

"I'm in a hospital!"

"We can just look at it?"

I burst out laughing, and immediately regret it, groaning as I lean back. He grins, holding up the bra up to himself, and preening. I choke back laughter. "Alex!"

"I feel pretty, oh so pretty-!"

"Oh gosh, it hurts to laugh -" I gasp out in the midst of laughter.

Alex drops the bra right away, hovering over me. "Are you okay? Do you need the nurses-?"

"Nooo, don't get the nurses. Just- just sit here with me."

He obliges, settling next to me, and packing away the lace underwear.

A sudden thought strikes me. "Alex, what about school? You're late!"

He scoffs. "I wanna stay with you."

"But you-"

"But nothing." He pecks my forehead. "I've been excused for family emergency and I plan to stretch out my break for as long as I can."

I sigh, nestling into him, and careful not to bump my fractured arm. "You bad, bad boy."

He looks smugly at me. "You love me. Wanna watch a movie?"

A/N playingmyheart asked me a question that made me realize I had very much messed up the birthdate of Greyson xD

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