Part 21

389 23 12

bold - alex
regular - felicity
underlined - greyson
underlined - yours truly

Mon, Mar 22, 9:44 PM

Felicity where are you?

Hi Greyson

Where are you?

Doing the project with Alex

Sounds terrifying
Why'd you go over there though?

He gave some excuse about the shame of having a black eye

He deserved that punch

Your friend is a womanizer

Stay away from him.

Aw you're worried|
Aw you|
Psh I can take care of mys|
Psh I|


I'm serious Fel, he'll hurt you like that
You deserve better

Thanks for your concern. But focus on Sadie and you okay? I'll take care of me

Fel, Sera said we protect each other.

... Right

When are you getting home?

I'm getting in the car now

Okay. Be careful it's really dark

No shit sherlock it's ten
How was your time with Sadie?

We watched a movie without subtitles and she was narrating it completely off but it was awesome

That's fun

Wait are you driving? Don't text me if you're driving

Dude I'll be fine

Fel just be careful

Love you too, bro

(Read 9:54 PM)

Calling Felicity m'lady - Mon, Mar 22, 10:44 PM


"Got home safe?"


"You sound like a cat when you yawn."

"Well, thanks."


"Yes, I'm home safely. Thanks for asking."

"Okay. Good working on the project with you."

"Yeah, cool."




"Stupid, Alex! 'Good working on the project with you,' really?!"

A/N I will proceed to die at the tournament .... which is why this update is two convos, because I won't be updating until Sunday - if I have the energy. 



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