Part 26

382 24 6

bold - alex
regular - felicity

Thur, Mar 25, 4:40 PM

Hey, Fel, wanna go out?

Well ...|

Before you say anything
It's not a trap

Sheesh I just wanted to know where you were taking me

I know it's really weird lately
Wait really?

I want to go eat burgers and fries at the waterfront

You'll go with me?

If you pay for the dinner

Bien obvio
Wait how much are you going to order

You do not ask a lady that.

Pffttt you're not that lady like


Well sorry
Phil's Fish and Chips?

Okay. Are you going to pick me up?

Do you mind if I bring my bike? I promise it won't rain

Do I get to drive


Boring. I want to drive the bike

Not happening, m'lady

... Bring your stupid Mercedes

Don't hate on my car, babe

Don't call me babe.
Even the other stupid nickname is better than that

Aw you like it? Okay, m'lady

... I hate you
Don't say it

También te amo, dear

A/N I just wrote a phone call in mostly Spanish and I'm pretty sure I got all of it wrong. Google translate is not that helpful, okay.

And ... what's your favorite part so far? 

Aaannnddd cast ideas?

Last thing: Dedication to WiseGirl1812 for the song recommendations :) And I'm so pleased to hear that Call You was enjoyable ^^

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