First kiss

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Fist kiss~

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Like any other day you were hanging out with Mitsuki as he was visiting your family. You tried your best not to stuter and control your heating face.

"Hey Asahi, have you ever had ypur first kiss?"

Asked Mitsuki shamelessly with his usual smile. Your face turned tomato red and shook your head.

"No I haven't, why?"

"Just wondering"

You nod your head and the two of you were sitting next to each other awkwardly.

"Asahi, look at me"

You turned to face him to be met with soft lips of yours. Mind you were in the living room, anybody could walk in on you and it would be game over. He pulled away when air was required and your face was beyond tomato red. He smiled at you and came in Boruto.

Boruto raised an eyebrow at your flushed face then shrugged it off.

"Lets go Mitsuki, Asahi tell mom I'll be back later, kay?"

All you could do is nod your head with your fave still flushed. Boruto went out the living room as Mitsuki got off the couch and pecked your lips then left with Boruto.


You were once again taken care of by Naruto. In his office, reading book, again. But it was okay since you got to see Shinki again. Except this time instead of you paying attention to him, he was paying attention to you. As you flipped a page on your book, he eyed your hand is you move the page.

You were a little confused of why he paid attention to you all of the sudden. But you weren't complaining, it was a dream come true, at least to you it was. All of the sudden Naruto dissapered in a cloud of smoke and you figured it was his son getting into trouble again.

You sighned and closed your book as Shinki flinched a little. You stared at him as he stared back.

"What is your name?"

He asked all of the sudden breaking the awkward silence.


You said. He nodded.


"I know"

He gave you a confused look and you sighned.

"My uncle, the hokage, says your name all the time when I'm here"

He nodded his head and walks to your chair standing infront of you. You raised an eyebrow at his actions, but just stares at you.

All of the sudden Boruto, your cousin, burst into the office with Naruto running around the office trying to hit him. The both you ignored the blonds and kept staring each other. But all the sudden Boruto used Shinki's back as boost. Both your eyes widen as his lips were on your.

All the running stopped and he immeaditly pulled away with a red face, but not compared to yours that was a tomato.


"I-it's f-fine"

You squeaked. He nodded his head as he put a hand over his mouth trying to cover his red face.

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