Meeting your Godparents

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Your 5 year old now



Everyone on the Uzumaki household were going to visit your Godparents house today. You never got the chance to see them, that you could remember. So today was your first time in a good while.

You wore a plain black shirt, tan shorts and black sandals. You held your sisters hand while you and your family walk to the Uchiha compound. Boruto grabbed your other hand, making you and your sister to stop. He smiled and picked you up. You frowned and he laughed. Naruto smiled at the two of you and kept walking to Sasuke's house.

He knocked the door and soon Sarada opened the door.

"Lord seventh! Come in, papa and mama are in the living room"

She said steeping aside letting the family in. They said hello and took their shoes off. Boruto put you down and you took your shoes off. You bowed at Sarada, who was blushing beet red at your cuteness. You blinked at her confused and heard your sister and Hinata giggling at the two of you.

Your family and Sarada went to the living room and sat down on the couch. One couch with you and your siblings, another just your parents, and the Uchihas in one couch. You were sitting between your siblings.

The Uchihas were staring at you, as you shifted uncomfortably at their gaze especially Sarada, who was still blushing beet red. Naruto took notice and motioned you to come to him. You got off the couch and walked towards your father and stood infront of him, your back facing him.

"This is Asahi, my youngest son"

"It's nice to meet you"

You said bowing. Sakura and Sarada cooed at you as Sasuke just grunted. You looked at Sasuke and smiled at him.

"I heard alot of stories about you from my dad"

You said, your lavender eyes glowing in admiration. He grunted somewhat smiling. Naruto lifted you to his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist. They started talking about adult life while you just sat their awkwardly under Sarada's gaze.

You looked at your mother for help and she nodded in understatement. She took you from Naruto's hold and motioned Boruto to come to her. He stood up from the couch and walked towards the two of you. Hinata whispered something in his ear and he nodded his head. He grabbed your  hand and turned to the Uchihas.

"Excuse us, we need to go back home"

They nodded and the two of you went out of the house. Himawari followed you two too. You sighned in relief and thanked you brother for getting you out of their.

"No problem, if she makes you feel awkward again just go ahead and tell her, okay?"

You nodded your head as Himawari held your other hand.


You sat in the dinning table as you watched your mother cooking dinner. The 7th hokage was coming over for dinner to talk with your father. Sarada was helping her and Sasuke layed on the couch with his eyes closed.

The door bell rang and Sarada bolted to the door. Sasuke opened his eyes and sat up. Lord 7th came inside the living room with Sarada. You stood up from your chair and walked  towards the couch. Sasuke grunted at you as you sat next to him.

"Hi Naruto, it's been a long time since you've visited"

Said Sakura taking off her apron.

"Yes it has"

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