First crush

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Since you guys are dudes and theirs pretty much only dudes here.

Boy crush I guess

Because why the fuck not

Everyone is 13 and your 11. Hima is 12

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You been feeling shy every time you see him. You've never told anyone about your feelings towards him, one because you didn't know what to do, two it was a guy.

But a special guy, you may. His name was Mitsuki. He was Borutos friend from the academy. He would visit every now and then, the two of you would chat the entire time.

You were sure what you felt, but couldn't say it. For you were afraid of rejection. Today he was going to visit your family after school. You sat down on the stairs in front of the door waiting for your brother and Mitsuki to arrive.

The door opened and came in Boruto and Mitsuki. You jumped out of your spot and tackle your brother when he was taking off his shoes.

"Welcome home, onii-chan!"

You beamed. He grinned and ruffled your blond locks.

"It's good to be home, what's for dinner?"

"Ramen! Dad coming home today!"

You chirped. He nodded his head and you turned to Mitsuki, who was looking at you with a smile. You waved at him, blushing a bit. He waved back and rubbed your head. Your face redened even more and looked away with a pout.

"Dinner's ready!!"

Boruto grabbed your hand and the three of you went to the kitchen and had dinner, with Naruto joining you when he got home.


When ever nobody couldn't take care of you. Naruto would take care of you in the office. And that where you are. Sitting in chair with a book. In Naruto's office. Reading.

You've been here a few times before and in those few times their was a boy who would always be here. His name was Shinki of the sand. You taken fancy of the sand shinobi. Maybe a you much of fanciness (?).

And today as always he was their to report about the sand village stuff. You watched all his movements. How his eyes shined, how hard he concentrated, how his lips moved.

Maybe one day you'll get the chance to talk to him, even just one time.


You've taken a liking to a certain blond with green eyes. His name was Inoji Yumanaka. His family visits every now and then. You would usually brush it off and sleep the whole entire time. But when it comes to him. You stay awake the entire time.

Even though you barely talk to one another. You learned many things about him through those small conversations.

Even though it's troublesome, you manage to stay awake around him,unlike with others. You sleep without hesitation. *sigh* troublesome feelings.


You watch him sleep on your lap, and sketching at the same time. You've taken a liking toward the lazy Nara. You sigh and put your sketchbook down on the floor next to you, finished with the drawing of his sleeping form. He was forced to come here by Shikamaru, claiming he needs to get to know the Shika-Ino-Cho members.

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