Chapter 33

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*  Ten years later*

Audrey's POV

Today we were all going back to New York, because Nick had pasted away. He got cancer four years ago but sadly he lost the battle. I'm devasted because after Niall's and Charlotte's wedding, I moved back to New York and got together with him. I met everyone at the church. They were all dressed in black and coming up to me to pay their respects. " How are you?" Emma asked. " I'm ok." I said but tears kept on falling. We walked into the church and sat down. They started the service and I had many tissues in my hand. " Hey." I heard someone whisper. I looked around and Liam was staring at me. " Look, I'm sorry about your loss." he said. " It's fine. You didn't need to come I know how much you hated N- nick." I said. " I didn't hate Nick, I just disliked him. ut I didn't come for him, I came for you." he whispered. " Why me?" I replied. " Because I haven't seen or talked to you in the last ten years and I know we haven't been the best of friends after that incident. " he said. " Yah, that needs to change. Anyways thanks for coming." I said. " I know it hasn't been that long after your loss but my friend Andy has been dying to meet you." Liam said. I smiled because he was acting ore like a friend than a stranger. " Haha ok well tell Andy we should meet up sometime." I said. He chuckled and nodded. The service ended and everyone but me and my friends left. I stayed for awhile longer and just looked at his casket. " I think we should go now sweetie." Christina said to me. I nodded. " Lets go to my house for dinner ok?" Emma suggested. 

We were at Emma and Louis's house and I was suprised on how big everyone was Baby Desi was eleven. Emma and Louis's kids, Louis Jr.  and Bella, were 10 and 7. Carly and Zayn's daughter was now 9. By the way, Christina was pregnant with a baby boy. All these kids were running around and Louis, Emma, and Niall were playing with them. We had a lovely dinner, then someone knocked at the door. Liam answered it and came back with this gorgeous guy, who was tall and had pretty eyes. " Audrey, this is my friend Andy." Liam said. " Hi." I said as calmly as I could. " Hello love. I'm so sorry for your loss." He said. " Thank you." I said. The rest of the night we talked and laughed. He was really nice and asked me on a date. Andy left and it was just us 11, I realized I was the only one not married, ( yes Harry and Vivian, and Liam and Christina got married) just then I got a text from Andy saying, ' I know that I just met you but I can't stop thinking about you. Do you mind if we have our date a little bit earlier, like now?' I laughed and replied, ' haha of course.' He picked me up from Emma's and we went to a buffet which I loved. When the date ended, I knew more about him then myself. We walked out of the restraunt and went to the car. Andy dropped me off at my house and when he walked me to my door it started raining out of nowhere. That night was amazing because I finally got my kiss in the rain.

Audrey and Andy ended up getting married to years after their first date. Liam and Christina had their baby boy, Daniel. Everyone is happy and still together. All because of that one concert. And they lived happily ever after. The End.


That's all for this story but i will have a new story up in a couple of days. 

p.s. sorry for this weird ending.

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